The three “rebel” students from Foscarini in Venice asked for copies

Linda, Virginia and Letizia, the students of the Foscarini High School in Venice, have thrown the stone. The three high school students, who became famous for their protest during the final exams, have managed to bring the issue to the national spotlight. Now, the Ministry of Education will have to intervene to verify whether the 10 failures in Greek out of 14, assigned by the external examiner, are actually excessive, or not justified, if not by an excessively negative attitude of the examiner.

Linda, spokesperson for the group (already promoted with 71 cents) says: “Having attracted the attention of the Ministry of Education was the best we could hope for.” Linda, who had already accumulated 67 points before the oral exam, explains that she received only 4 additional points for the oral exam. “It wasn’t a silent scene – she underlines – I explained the reasons for the injustice of that vote in Greek, so I didn’t think it was right to answer them”.

The Minister of Education, Giuseppe Valditara, declared yesterday at the G7 in Trieste that he had instructed his ministry to verify any errors or abuses by the commissioners. Marco Bussetti, director of the regional school office and former minister, has already started the investigation. This does not necessarily mean defending female students, but rather guaranteeing transparency on the facts reported.

The spotlight is on a school-leaving exam that, year after year, seems less and less suited to the needs of contemporary society. The inspectors will examine the work of the Greek teacher, responsible for the numerous failures, who, according to the students, had already had disagreements with their Latin teacher in a previous exam session.

In the meantime, Linda Conchetto, Virginia and Lucrezia have officially requested “access to documents” to view the written tests, sending the request via Pec to the school. They will receive the documents by mail.

Appealing to the TAR would always be possible, but it would lead to the cancellation of the exam for everyone, and this seems unlikely because the students would not want to harm their classmates. “We just wanted to draw attention to a situation that seemed unfair to us – concludes Linda – At most we were thinking of a little article in a newspaper. Knowing that we have attracted the attention of the Ministry and that inspectors will be sent gives us satisfaction.”

The protest of the students of Foscarini in Venice: they don’t answer the exam

Linda Conchetto and her two other classmates from the Foscarini high school in Venice, the authors of the protest at the final exam, keeping their mouths shut during the oral exam, after failing in written Greek, have therefore requested access to the exam documents. They have sent the request to view the written tests to the school’s certified email address, and are waiting to receive them by mail. Only after that, Linda confirmed, will it be decided whether to also pursue the path of an appeal to the TAR.

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