in Salemi flames in the woods, in Marsala smoke in a manhole

in Salemi flames in the woods, in Marsala smoke in a manhole
in Salemi flames in the woods, in Marsala smoke in a manhole

Several fires today in Sicily in which firefighters, forest rangers and regional civil protection volunteers were involved. Three broke out in the province of Agrigento, two in Caltanissetta, two in Messina and one each in Catania, Palermo, Ragusa, Siracusa and Drills.

In the Agrigento area in the capital, in the Fondacazzo district, in Menfi in the Cavarretto district, in Sambuca di Sicilia in the Misilbesi district. In the Nisseno area in Mazzarino in the Prato district and in Santa Caterina Villarmosa in the Mustogiunto district. In the Messina area one in the capital in the Portella Castanea district and in Gaggi in the Cavallaro district. In the afternoon a fire in Sàlice, with Canadair launches. Flames also in Mazzarà, with two teams involved. In the Catania area the fire broke out in Caltagirone in the Le Sfere district, while in the Palermo area in Belmonte Mezzagno in the Vasche San Salvatore district, in the Syracuse area in Pachino in the Abbeveratoio district, in the Ragusa area in Monterosso Almo in the Monte Casasia district and in the Trapani area in Salemi in the Pioppo district. In the large fire that broke out in the Filci district of Salemi in a forest, several teams of firefighters intervened. The intervention continued throughout the evening, with helicopter launches during the day and teams deployed to protect the homes.

In Marsala, a team of firefighters intervened quickly in a manhole on the sidewalk of Via Roma: it seems that smoke was coming out of there.

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