In the castle the irreverent comedy of Eleazaro Rossi, 2 July 2024

In the castle the irreverent comedy of Eleazaro Rossi, 2 July 2024
In the castle the irreverent comedy of Eleazaro Rossi, 2 July 2024

Irreverent on stage and reserved in life, Eleazar Rossi is one of the most important names in the new Italian comedy scene. He made his debut in 2018, stepping onto a stand-up comedy stage for the first time; the following year he was first selected by Comedy Central for the cast of the sixth season of the program “Stand Up Comedy” and then took part in the television program “Battute?”, broadcast on Raidue. He was subsequently reconfirmed for the cast of the seventh season of Stand Up Comedy broadcast on Sky and since 2022 he has been part of Le Iene.

When he is not wearing the hyena uniform, he wears the “total black” one in which he represents himself and tells his vision of the world. Eleazaro became known thanks to his irreverent and irreverent monologues that address the most varied themes, from femininity to fatherhood, passing through male/female relationships, pronounced first on the web on the Comedy Central YouTube channel, then on social media (he more than 130 thousand followers on Instagram) and then on the stages of Italian theaters, last season with the show “L’ora di religione” which recorded over 30,000 attendances and this year with the new show “Grande Figlio di P*****A”.

After the winter success in the theatres, Eleazaro’s new show is landing in the main summer festivals and finally arrives at the Castle of Udine That Tuesday 2nd July (doors open at 8:00 p.m., show starts at 9:00 p.m.) will host its only summer date in Friuli Venezia Giulia, for which over 1,000 tickets have already been sold, further confirming its appreciation also by the Friulian public. The last tickets available for the event – ​​organized by Fvg Music Live and VignaPr – can be purchased online at and on Tuesday evening also at the box office in Piazza Libertà in Udine.

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