Alert for 61 trees to be cut: associations mobilized in Pescara – News

Alert for 61 trees to be cut: associations mobilized in Pescara – News
Alert for 61 trees to be cut: associations mobilized in Pescara – News

Pescara. Associations on alert, in Pescara, after learning of an order to cut down 61 adult trees “in avenues and other historic places of the city of Pescara that the Municipal Administration issued already in December 2023”.

“This order would have entered the implementation phase with the on-site marking of the specimens to be killed,” they say Italia Nostra, Archeo Club, Touring Club Italiano, Co.N.Al.Pa and Dannunziani Villas and Palaces.

In a joint note, the associations believe that “every caution must be taken and every search for alternative practices must be tried before arriving at cuts that impoverish the entire city by depriving it of historic trees, dispensers of urban well-being and a significant component of its identity image, as well as its pleasantness, which is also decisive for its tourist attractiveness”.

“As in the past, through technical consultancy and the walls of illustrious professors, the associations are available for a comparison also on the technical merit of the municipal choices in order to find a balanced solution that limits the cut to irrecoverable elements, to favor, on the other hand, a conscious conservation of the important city plant heritage”, continue the associations that ask to be summoned with their trusted technicians in order to provide their “contribution through the comparison with the technical and political bodies responsible both on the merit of the current issue, for which the characteristics of urgency are recognized, and on the method with which to address the maintenance of the urban green system”.

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