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Canicatti Web News – Sicily’s GDP grows by 2.2%, no region like it in Italy

“The 2.2% increase in GDP makes Sicily the Italian region that recorded the highest growth in 2023. An indicator, certified by Svimez, that gratifies us and stimulates the action of my government to continue working with further commitment for the development of our Island in the direction we have taken, with the aim of making the best use of all resources and without any waste”.

This was stated by the president of the Sicilian Region Renato Schifani, commenting on the data released by the association for the development of industry in Southern Italy. In a context in which the entire Southern Italy has increased the real gross domestic product (+1.3%) more than the other areas of the country, Sicily records the highest GDP growth among all the Italian regions, driven above all from public investments.

Schifani’s words
“A solid result, after the rebound in GDP following the exit from Covid – adds Schifani – obtained also thanks to the public works completed and underway in our territory. Infrastructure is fundamental for development and we have very clear ideas on this. Also relevant for growth are the full use of the 2014-2020 programming resources within the expected spending period and the first effects of the Pnrr. The Sicilian Region, between regional and extra-regional funding – continues the governor – has deployed the most significant mass of resources in the South, also in connection with the timeliness in the adoption of financial measures and the speeding up of procedures: Sicily, in fact, is was the first Italian Region to have implemented the new Code of public contracts, thus making the rules to be applied in the awarding of works and services clear and certain”.

The new agreements
“In perspective – continues Schifani – the closure of the new Agreement for development and cohesion funds signed with the State, which provides a total of 6.8 billion euros, will be able to strengthen the growth of our economy. If the construction and services sector is the driving force and the export of Sicilian products is growing rapidly and the industrial sector has held up more than elsewhere, it is agriculture that appears to be penalised, as is the case in almost all of Italy. This – concludes Schifani – makes my government’s determination even stronger in directing spending and support interventions towards this sector which represents an economy of extraordinary importance for our island. A sector that must be protected in such a difficult moment as the one we are experiencing due to the ongoing drought.”

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