“Thank you Carrara and see you next year”. The new circuit of culture

“Thank you Carrara and see you next year”. The new circuit of culture
“Thank you Carrara and see you next year”. The new circuit of culture


“Thank you Carrara and see you next year”. As expected, when cultural events are of a high level Carrara responds. And the public said ‘present’ at the Paper Fest organized in Piazza San Francesco by Fatto quotidiano. From 10 in the morning until almost midnight the square was packed with people. Satisfied Cinzia Monteverdi, president and CEO of the publishing company of Fatto quotidiano, ‘boss’ of that uncomfortable team of journalists.

“The success is undoubted,” Monteverdi explains. “Not only the extraordinary participation of the citizens, but also the euphoria and satisfaction of being there. Many people stopped me and thanked me for what we did. We bet on Carrara and we did well. We went to the homes of the people who welcomed us with great warmth. It is a satisfaction to have organized a beautiful event in a city that has all the difficulties we know, but also has enormous potential. We have created a beautiful circuit in the city and we thank the municipal administration and the citizens for the welcome.”

Therefore, as promised, ‘First time’ and we proceed. Cinzia Monteverdi and the entire Fatto staff have decided that next year it will be repeated. “We will have a more structured event, lasting several days, with many themes and on the model of the talk show even if the books will always remain the protagonists. We will certainly expand to other publishing houses that have titles in line with the project”.

The rest was a city that showed a great thirst for events, even with many closed venues, and that when it comes to culture certainly does not leave itself wanting. From the early hours, after the greetings of the mayor Serena Arrighi and the councilor Gea Dazzi, of the same Cinzia Monteverdi, the intervention of Alessandro Di Battista who presented his book ‘Scomode verità’ introduced by Sara Lucaroni.

Then in the afternoon Andrea Scanzi who spoke about his book ‘La sciagura’ on the center-right government. Absolute master of the scene the director Antonio Padellaro, who with the book ‘Solo la verità lo giuro’ was interviewed by the journalist of the Nazione Cristina Lorenzi on his professional life linked to the last 50 years of events in the history of the country.

The audience’s embrace was one of respect and affection. After him, introduced by Luca Sommi, Selvaggia Lucarelli demolished the Ferragnez empire with the book ‘Il vaso di pandoro’. Finally, the director Marco Travaglio who in an hour expertly retraced the last hundred years of the history of Israel and Palestine, reporting an autonomous and out-of-the-ordinary vision typical of the director of the Fatto quotidiano.

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