The Anteas of Savona and Albenga on a trip to Imperia and Ventimiglia

The group at Villa Grock (RPL photo)

SAVONA. 29 JUNE. The trip organized yesterday by Anteas Savona with two of the most beautiful sites in our region as our destination: Villa Grock ad Imperia ed i Hanbury Botanical Gardens in Ventimiglia. Sixty members of the association took part in the two visits: first the visit to the Villa created by the juggler, musician, inventor and very famous clown Grock. Built in the 1920s in a panoramic location, it presents memorabilia, documents and objects that belonged to the artist. Designed by himself, on three floors with an extraordinary park, with the help of the surveyor Armando Brignole created innovative and bizarre solutions using the then innovative reinforced concrete prepared by the Porcheddu company. Today the Villa, which hosts workshops, conferences, concerts, events and cultural and educational initiatives, is owned by the Municipality of Imperia. The garden is open to the public: the park features stylistic and decorative inventions rich in esoteric, philosophical and circus and esoteric symbolism. The Hanbury Gardens of Latte, a hamlet of Ventimiglia, are a true paradise and are included in the short list of the most beautiful gardens in Italy and considered one of the most beautiful in the world. They are currently owned byUniversity of Genoa and host classrooms and laboratories, the library, events, concerts and cultural and educational events. The visit took about an hour and a half, but it was worth it. There are 3,500 different types of plants visible, spread over an area of ​​18 hectares, of which only 15 are currently accessible. The Hanbury Gardens are experiencing a period of great activity thanks to the implementation of numerous projects that are gradually bringing the complex to the architectural and landscape splendor it had in the nineteenth century when Thomas Hanbury, having fallen in love with the site, purchased it from the Orengo family and began the construction of this enchanting place which also has an international scientific value. ANTEAS of Savona is always active in proposing initiatives in favor of social issues. For 27 years it has also represented one of the major realities in the world of volunteering in the Province of Savona with its hundreds of members and the many proposals in favor of citizens. At the national level theNational Association of All Ages Active for Solidarity was born in April 1996, but in Savona it was founded the following year. “We are looking – explained the provincial president of Anteas of Savona Giancarlo Debernardi– not only to organize recreational events and trips, but above all to carry out services for citizens. We are based in House of Associations in via San Lorenzo and our members come from all over the Province. ANTEAS today is present throughout the national territory with around five hundred voluntary and social promotion associations with around 80 thousand members. Originally promoted by the elderly and mainly addressed to them, the association has expanded its target audience over the years and today is aimed at all those who share the commitment to civil and social solidarity, encouraging the establishment of authentic relationships between people, promoting experiences of active citizenship and combating involuntary loneliness”. In Savona and its province, there are several hundred members of the association and they operate in various social and voluntary sectors. “For years – concludes Debernardi – Anteas has been involved in assistance, accompaniment and transport for more fragile members, pet therapy in retirement homes, in person and remotely, creative workshops for all ages, experimental theater and cinema workshops, courses, conferences, meetings, exhibitions, debates on current issues, social and recreational activities, cultural trips and stays, group dances, gentle gymnastics, memory training and other activities related to active aging projects. However, our flagship remains the project of bringing the generations closer together which is implemented through the game of chess.”

Claudio Almanzi

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