Gela, unsightly situation in Marchitello seven days after the weekly market

Gela, unsightly situation in Marchitello seven days after the weekly market
Gela, unsightly situation in Marchitello seven days after the weekly market

It continues to present itself in an unedifying scenario in the Marchitello neighborhood. A week after the Tuesday of the weekly market, the area is full of waste. If before the problem arose the day after, the situation has worsened over the months if we highlight the time that has passed since the day of the market and without significant intervention it risks getting worse. An ecological bomb that makes a fine show of itself to dozens of motorists who pass through the area every day who are presented with an unsightly landscape, not green areas, but waste of all kinds, from plastics to scraps of purchases made by customers of the weekly market.
The ones who pay the price are the residents forced to live with an environment that is poorly cared for and not very edifying in their eyes. During the day after, cleaning is carried out, but only of the road surface. The latter, in fact, appears clean, while the rest is in a state of abandonment and neglect. Now with the scorching heat of recent weeks, the situation risks worsening further and for this reason an intervention is necessary as soon as possible. On the other hand, citizens are also called upon to respect the environment by avoiding throwing away residues from purchases made


It continues to appear in an unedifying scenario in the Marchitello neighborhood. A week after the weekly market on Tuesday, the area is full of rubbish. If previously the problem arose the day after, the situation has worsened over the months if we highlight the time that has passed since the market day and without significant intervention it risks worsening further. An ecological bomb that makes a fine display to dozens of motorists who pass through the area every day and are presented with an unseemly landscape, not green areas, but waste of all kinds, from plastic to scraps from purchases made by customers of the weekly market.


The ones who pay the price are the residents forced to live with an environment that is poorly cared for and not very edifying in their eyes. During the day after, cleaning is carried out, but only of the road surface. The latter, in fact, appears clean, while the rest is in a state of abandonment and neglect. Now with the scorching heat of recent weeks, the situation risks worsening further and for this reason an intervention is necessary as soon as possible. On the other hand, citizens are also called upon to respect the environment by avoiding throwing away residues from purchases made

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