How to receive the Liguria Region baby kit for newborns and what it contains

How to receive the Liguria Region baby kit for newborns and what it contains
How to receive the Liguria Region baby kit for newborns and what it contains

From 15 July 2024 a gift package for all new born in Liguria. The initiative of the Liguria Region is called ‘Hello Baby’, the kit is provided free of charge by Jesurum Leoni Comunicazione, supported by Amazon.

How to get the kit for newborns in Liguria

Parents of children born on or after 15 July 2024 will be given a welcome letter at birth centers in Liguria. The letter will contain useful information related to the initiative and a unique and personal code that will allow those who wish to receive a free gift package at home, at the indicated address, with products for early childhood and a guide with useful advice. for the first months of life.

Where the welcome letter will be delivered:

  • Asl 1, Asl 2, Asl 4 e Asl 5: obstetrics department
  • Asl 3: hospital medical management, Villa Scassi hospital
  • Evangelical and Saint Martin: Nido
  • Galliera and Gaslini: obstetrics department

What does the package contain

The package will contain products for early childhood and a guide for new parents created by the Liguria Region.

The Guide for the new parent

In the period between conception and two years of age, the foundations are laid for the proper physical and mental development of your child. Prevention, protection or care interventions carried out promptly in this very early phase of life lead to positive health results in the short, medium and long term. The guide is a tool that contains many useful tips for the first months of the child’s life.

“This is – explains Angelo Gratarola, Councilor for Health of the Liguria Region – a welcome initiative, with products for early childhood offered free of charge. In the package it will also be possible to find a new guide created by the Liguria Region for families, with useful advice for dealing with the first months of a child’s life”.

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