20 million evasion with the transport company: huge seizure in Aprilia

20 million evasion with the transport company: huge seizure in Aprilia
20 million evasion with the transport company: huge seizure in Aprilia

A trucking company from Aprilia has ended up in the sights of the Fiamme Gialle for a huge tax evasion of around 20 million euros. The soldiers of the local Tenenza have carried out, at the disposal of the Prosecutor’s Office of Latina, a preventive seizure order against the company held responsible, in the period between 2018 and 2023, for the failure to pay VAT and withholdings from of approximately 1000 employees located throughout the national territory.

The information, analysis and accounting examination activities conducted by the Fiamme Gialle of the Tenenza of Aprilia made it possible to collect detailed evidentiary elements, to support the accusatory system, to hypothesize the violations of omitted tax payments.

On the basis of the elements collected, the Judge for preliminary investigations at the Court of Latina, at the request of the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, ordered preventive seizure, direct and in the “equivalent” form, against the legal representative of the company, aimed at confiscation of money and assets for a total amount of almost 20 million euros, deemed to be profit from the alleged crimes, i.e. “failure to pay withholding taxes due or certified”, “failure to pay VAT”.

The execution of the aforementioned provision was carried out following a targeted activity by the Guardia di Finanza to identify the sums in current accounts, deposits or other banking relationships, as well as to reconstruct the assets of the movable or immovable property registered to the subjects involved.

The complex activity carried out also with the aid of a “cash dog” type dog unit sent in support by the GdF Group of Fiumicino, allowed the seizure, for subsequent recovery to the treasury, of sums of cash, financial values , current accounts, share funds for approximately 3 million euros, 5 properties for a value of approximately 700 thousand euros, company shares and vehicles of various kinds, up to the full amount of the amount subject to the delegated preventive seizure.

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