Agriculture, Single Application: 2687 companies paid in the province

At the deadline scheduled for June 30 for the 2023 programming, The Lombardy Region has paid over 414 million euros to 25,900 agricultural companies benefiting from the Single Application, of the agri-environmental measures and of the compensatory allowance in mountain areas of the Rural Development Program RDP. This was announced by the regional councilor for Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry, Alessandro Beduschi. In Cremona, 2,687 companies paid a total of 55,344,000 euros for the Single Application.

“We have liquidated – comments Beduschi – over 97% of the expenses foreseen in our planning, well reaching the 95% target imposed by European regulations. The Region has demonstrated effective management and support capacity for the agricultural sector. This achievement confirms our commitment to supporting Lombard farmers, guaranteeing fundamental resources for the development and sustainable growth of the sector”. In detail, the Regional Paying Body has disbursed over 350 million euros (96.92% coverage) as part of the Single Application (DU), of which 127 million allocated to the livestock sector and 29.5 million to the rice growing sector . Over 40 million euros have been paid to companies as part of measures 10.1 and 11 dedicated to integrated production and organic farming while almost 17 million euros (99.14%) for measure SRB01, which refers to disadvantaged areas Mountain. For SRA interventions, dedicated to the introduction or maintenance of low environmental impact practices, 7.7 million euros (97.16%) were paid. With the efficiency that has always distinguished the Lombardy Region and the Regional Paying Body – concludes Beduschi – we brilliantly exceed the objectives set but above all we provide the liquidity due to our agricultural companies, supporting them in complex and difficult periods and concretely contributing to their stability and competitiveness . We will continue to work with dedication to maintain these high standards of efficiency and support.”

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