The last measure of the Covid era falls: no more masks in departments with fragile patients

Even in hospital departments where there are fragile patients It is no longer mandatory to wear surgical masks: this is what emerges from the circular of the Ministry of Health published on July 1st, which also puts an end to the last restrictive measure introduced in the pandemic era. Specifically, the point is moved from obligation to recommendation, at the discretion of individual health directors, called to “evaluate the opportunities to arrange the use of respiratory protection devices in the different contexts of their facility”, considering the “spread of airborne viruses”, the “characteristics of the environments (for example ventilation)” and the “type of patients, workers or visitors who frequent them”. All “depending on the level of risk of infection and/or transmission” and “the potential for the development of serious disease in the event of exposure”. Health directors they will also have to strengthen “precautionary hygiene measures” with “adequate information” to patientsto healthcare personnel and “to all those who, in any capacity, are present in the aforementioned facilities”.

This is a circular published «taking into account» the current «clinical-epidemiological trend of SARS-CoV-2 infection and influenza-like syndromes, the availability of vaccines against the main acute respiratory viral infections, the increased diagnostic capabilities and scientific evidence on the effectiveness of personal protective equipment to reduce viral transmission“, as reported in the document. Regarding the effectiveness of protective devices, this is an issue that has been under the spotlight of the scientific community for months: already more than a year ago The Independent reported that according to one of the largest and most rigorous comparative studies published by Cochrane – a British non-profit organization considered the reference point par excellence for the review of health data and scientific studies – there is no scientific evidence that wearing masks reduces the transmission of viral diseases. «There is no evidence that [le mascherine] make any difference. Period.”the study’s lead author had stated. Other research, then, would confirm that even the rules imposed on children are of dubious scientific solidity: a peer-reviewed systematic review published in British Medical Journal analyzed over 22 studies from a selection of 600 concluding that only 6 seemed to suggest protection but with a high risk of bias, concluding that “the effectiveness of mandatory mask wearing in children has not yet been demonstrated with high-quality evidence”.

Finally, it is impossible to ignore the fact that the document comes in the wake of Fauci’s admissions made just last month: the immunologist confirmed that the measures imposing distancing and the use of personal protective equipment were not supported by any scientific criteria before the U.S. House coronavirus pandemic subcommittee. Fauci also told Republican lawmakers that the 6-foot social distancing rule “just appeared” without his recall, adding, “I don’t remember. It just kind of just appeared.” He also admitted that he was “not aware of any studies” that supported social distancing, noting that such studies “would be very difficult” to do effectively.

[di Roberto Demaio]

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