Reggio Calabria Airport, Ryanair’s first data are extraordinary

Reggio Calabria Airport, Ryanair’s first data are extraordinary
Reggio Calabria Airport, Ryanair’s first data are extraordinary

The first passenger numbers are truly exceptional. Ryanair all’Reggio Calabria Airport: they arrive more than two months late because the Irish company’s flights began on April 25th, and therefore the first month in which the complete monthly data could be appreciated with the actual increase in passengers was May. And Assaeroporti, the Italian Association of Airport Managers in our country, has just published the official traffic data of all airports referring to the month of may 2024 with the partial progressive number of annual passengers. We therefore have the total of the first five-month period of the year.

With regard to Reggio Calabria and so Ryanair the data are truly exceptional, exceeding the best expectations: the Titus Minniti closed the month of maggio con 57,286 passengersincreasing by more than 120% compared to May of a year ago. It is the Airport that grows the most in all of Italy! Below are the absolute data and percentage variations in all the Calabrian and Sicilian airports:

Even more significant are the annual partials: the first five-month period of 2024 closes for Reggio Calabria with a +56,5%considering that the effect of Ryanair is only related to the last month of this period. And so the increase in the following seven months of the year will be even more significant.

Just to give an idea of ​​the historical passenger data at Reggio Calabria Airport:

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