Seven points inaugurated to help citizens

Seven points inaugurated to help citizens
Seven points inaugurated to help citizens

Seven “Punti Digitale Facile” are operational in the city, facilitation centers where citizens can receive free support in the process of overcoming the digital divide. The presentation this morning, at the DUC, in the presence of Caterina Bonetti, Councilor for Digital Transition.

“The easy digital points of Parma – declared Councillor Bonetti – represent an important service for citizens in support of the digital transition. More and more services related to public administration, but not only, pass through the web and apps. Online services represent
an opportunity for faster, simpler and more immediate access, without travel or waiting for citizens, but they can also have many limitations for those who are not familiar with the new tools. At the facilitation points it will be possible to receive personalized assistance for individual needs, but also ongoing training. This is to give everyone the opportunity to experience the digital change in a serene way. The points are scattered throughout different neighborhoods, to allow for the greatest possible capillarity, and the booking methods – from the app to the telephone number – will allow easy access regardless of the digital skills of the users. As a Municipality, we believe that there can be no digital transition without the inclusion of everyone and this project represents one of our most important sector priorities in the relationship with citizens”.

Digital facilitation centers offer personalized individual training and assistance services, online training (including self-learning and asynchronous modes) and group training (in person and online). Adult citizens, both Italian and foreign, can access the services. The services are free.

The Easy Digital Points were opened with “Parma Digitale +”, the project of the Municipality of Parma created as part of “Easy Digital in Emilia-Romagna”; they were promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region and financed for 252,000 euros with funds from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan
(PNRR), mission 1 – component 1 – axis 1 – investment 1.7.2 Digital facilitation service centres”. The PNRR is financed by European funds from the Next Generation EU Programme.

The objective of “Parma Digitale +” is twofold. The first concerns the promotion of widespread and continuous digital inclusion, in particular for those segments of the population that risk being excluded from normal digitalisation paths, such as the elderly, foreigners, people with disabilities or
risk of marginalization. The second objective is the increase of widespread digital skills to promote the autonomous, conscious and responsible use of new technologies, to promote the full enjoyment of the rights of active digital citizenship and to encourage the use of
online services, simplifying the relationship between citizens and Public Administration.

The Easy Digital Points are managed in co-design by the Municipality of Parma and nine Third Sector Bodies (ETS), identified with a public notice: Ancescao Parma (leader), CIAC – Immigration, Asylum and International Cooperation Centre, ETS Social Enterprise, Séfora Srl Social Enterprise
ANffAS, Auser Parma, Intercral Parma, Molinetto and Oltretorrente odv Youth and Elderly Association, Parma Centro Elderly Committee, Il Tulipano APS Elderly Social Center and Centoperuno Onlus Association.

The services of the Easy Digital Points
In the Easy Digital Points, you can receive digital facilitation services, such as training and individual personalized assistance, to accompany citizens in the use of the Internet, technologies and public and private digital services, according to their specific needs and
starting skills. The staff of the Easy Digital Points provides support, for example, to register for SPID, to access the Health Record or the EmiLib digital library, to use the computer or smartphone, to use email, to look for work on the internet, to
drafting the Curriculum Vitae, to orient oneself on the online services offered by the Municipality of Parma. Online training activities are planned, also in self-learning and asynchronous mode, through independent access to online materials. Group training, in presence and online, includes micro-courses to support citizens in the use of applications or in exercises, resolution of practical problems and any

The Seven Points of Digital Facilitation
1 – ANCESCAO APS Comprehensive Structure of Parma, via Milano n. 30. Open on Mondays from 1pm to 6pm and on Thursdays from 9am to 2pm.
2 – Comitato Anziani Parma Centro, Piazzale Allende Salvador n. 1 Open on Mondays from 9am to 2pm and on Tuesdays from 1pm to 6pm.
3 – Municipal Offices Management, Largo Torello de Strada, 11/a Monday from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm; Tuesday and Friday from 9 am to 1 pm.
4- Civic Library, v.lo S. Maria n. 5 Open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 9 to 13; on Thursdays from 15 to 17.
5 – CIAC, Via Primo Bandini n. 6 Open on Tuesdays from 8:30 to 13:30 and on Fridays from 14:00 to 19:00.
6 – Sefora Srl Impresa Sociale Anfass, Via Casaburi 15 Open on Mondays from 9:30 to 13:30 and from 14:30 to 16:30; on Thursdays from 9:30 to 13:30.
7 -Auser Parma, Via La Spezia, 156 Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:15 to 13:15.

Information services

Information on the services of the Punti Digitale Facile can be obtained by calling the number 0521218700 on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:15 to 17:30 and on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays from 8:15 to 13:30. Information services are also provided by the operators of the Direzionale Uffici Comunali (DUC) counters in Largo Torello de Strada, 11/a, every day – including Saturdays – from 08:15 to 13:30 and on Monday and Thursday afternoons until 17:30.

How to book
You can make an appointment for a service at one of the Easy Digital Points, by phone, at the DUC, via the internet and with the app: – By phone, by calling 0521218700 every day – including Saturdays – from 08.15 to 13.30 and on Monday and Thursday afternoons until 17.30. – By going to the Direzionale Uffici Comunali (DUC) in Largo Torello de Strada, 11/a, every day – including Saturdays – from 08.15 to 13.30 and on Monday and Thursday afternoons until 17.30. – Via the internet. – Via the mobile app “Affluences” downloadable for iOS and Android You can cancel the reservation through the same channels.

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