Manfredini awaits Benevento: confidence for the renewal, the ball is in the club’s court

Manfredini awaits Benevento: confidence for the renewal, the ball is in the club’s court
Manfredini awaits Benevento: confidence for the renewal, the ball is in the club’s court

The credits are now just around the corner, but with the desire to continue together. One year later, Nicholas Manfredini is once again dealing with the renewal issue and with a new marriage to be formalized with Benevento. The goalkeeper born in ’88, in the shadow of the Dormiente since the summer of 2019, will have his contract expiring next year June 30th. But his time in yellow and red could still give him a future in Sannio, following in the same footsteps as twelve months ago but with a greater dose of awareness.

As reported by The Daily SannioIn fact, the player has not yet spoken to the Via Santa Colomba club. It will probably do so in the first week of July, only after the project meeting which will see the main players of Benevento in these transfer phases as protagonists. During the meeting, the positions of some of the pillars of the locker room will also be clarified, including Manfredini, appreciated by the club and the fans for his technical and human qualities. The portrait of the perfect ‘twelfth man’ for the Strega, who has always responded present on the field when called upon and who has never created whirlwinds or storms in moments in which the role of second seemed to be too tight for him.

On his side, the class of ’88 is just waiting for the call from Benevento to say his yes again and continue the wedding in Sannio: the desire is to feel part of the Giallorossi mission next season, also thanks to that comfort zone discovered with the Strega since his first steps five years ago. On the other hand, in case of ‘stomach ache’ and with a contract expiring in June, Manfredini would have had the possibility to embrace a different project starting from February, signing a pre-agreement and thus announcing his farewell to Benevento. The desire to confirm himself in the Giallorossi and to carve out a place for himself made the difference, pushing the player to wait a few days before taking stock in view of the new course.


It remains to be deciphered what the role of the Ferrara goalkeeper will be in Auteri’s next Witch. Several questions to be resolved on the table: some still unripe, linked to the future of Paleariothers already cumbersome marked by the exponential growth of Announcing. Giussano’s number one will expire in June 2025: in this torrid Giallorossi summer it is the last opportunity for Benevento to monetize a possible transfer, which is not currently considered. An indispensable offer and, above all, the will of the player would risk leaving room for new scenarios currently far from the Giallorossi spotlight. For Nunziante the doors could open as ‘second’ in the Strega house, thus rewriting the hierarchies between the posts.

A department yet to be delineated which counts, in addition to Manfredini, also young people returning from loans: above all Manuel Espositoborn in 2005, pillar of the Campobasso champion in Serie D. Scenarios to be defined in the next few days, when the future of the 36-year-old from Ferrara will also be outlined: there is serenity on the part of the player for the new signing with the Strega after twelve months of certainty, on and off the pitch.

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