Viva Vittoria, from Agnone the knitted squares for the Isernia event – isNews

Viva Vittoria, from Agnone the knitted squares for the Isernia event – isNews
Viva Vittoria, from Agnone the knitted squares for the Isernia event – isNews

They will be delivered to the president of the MeToo association in a ceremony on July 3.

AGNONE. The MeToo Volunteer Organization of Agnone promotes the Viva Vittoria Isernia project to launch a shared message against violence against women. The final work of the project will wrap Piazza Andrea d’Isernia with a “symbol blanket” on November 23 and 24, 2024.

The Consortium of Free Enterprises and its Consortium Member CSS – Cooperativa dei Servizi Sanitari Onlus, always committed to social issues and to promoting the rights of the weakest and gender equality, support the initiative by donating approximately 200 50×50 cm squares sewn with knitting or crochet. These squares were made by operators and beneficiaries of the territorial reception projects belonging to the same Consortium.

On July 3, 2024, at 3:30 p.m., at the community for minors “Villa Gaia” in Isernia, a meeting will be held in which the squares made will be delivered to the President of the MeToo association, Pasqualino De Mattia. The event will be attended by the SAI of Venafro, the SAI MSNA of Sant’Agapito and the SAI of Agnone, in addition to the community housing for minors that hosts the event.

Liberato Volpe, President of the Consortium of Free Enterprises, and Quintiliano Chiacchiari, President of CSS, hope that initiatives like this one can shake consciences and raise awareness of the need to achieve full and real gender equality, thus avoiding further episodes of violence.

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