Alessandria, the first doctors in the city’s history graduate: “It’s an epochal turning point”

Alessandria, the first doctors in the city’s history graduate: “It’s an epochal turning point”
Alessandria, the first doctors in the city’s history graduate: “It’s an epochal turning point”

To mark on the calendar ldated 15 July 2024, the day on which the first doctors in the history of the city who studied in Alessandria will be proclaimed. In fact, the first cycle of the degree course split from the one born in Novara of the University of Eastern Piedmont ends.

There will be twenty-five new graduates who, in these six years, have not only studied in the capital, but they also entered the departments and operating rooms of the Alessandria hospital, which recently became a university hospital (Aou Al).

The vice president of the degree course in Medicine and Surgery Luigi Castello, also director of Internal Medicine, says: «We are working hard with the president and director of the department for this first great goal for Alessandria. It is an epochal turning point to have the first medical graduates in your city and for me it is an enormous satisfaction. As it is for all those who worked there and contributed to the training of these kids. The training of a doctor involves a lot of practical activity. We not only require theory, but also to acquire a method and the ability to relate to patients and apply clinical reasoning. The Alessandria University Hospital Company has proven to be very well suited for this role because in the last ten years it has had a strong focus on research and technological innovation thanks to the Dairi department, which was decisive for the success of this process because it had created all the conditions for this to happen”.

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