Fatal accidents at work: Abruzzo in the guakl area

Fatal accidents at work: Abruzzo in the guakl area
Fatal accidents at work: Abruzzo in the guakl area

Workplace deaths on the rise in Italy. According to statistical data published by Vega Engineering, a Veneto-based company, from January 1 to May 31, 2024, there were 369 victims at work, of which 286 at work (15 more than in May 2023) and 83 in itinere (4 less than in May 2023). Numbers that denote a worsening of safety conditions in the workplace. In particular, the survey examines the incidence, which is the true risk indicator, as explained in a note by Mauro Rosato, president of the Workplace Safety and Environment Observatory of Vega Engineering. The ranking of the various provinces is indicated, reporting the data of victims in relation to the working population.

Starting from Inail data, the observatory has developed a graphic representation of Italy with the color zoning: red, orange, yellow and white. The province of Pescara falls into the white zone, with one case of fatal accident in the reference period, and is ranked 65th in the ranking with an incidence of 8.2 (on a national average of 12.1) considering that the number of employed people is equal to 122,348. The province of Teramo (which has 1 case of death) is also in the white zone, ranking 66th. The provincial territory of Chieti, however, is in the red zone with three cases of deaths at work, an incidence of 20.4 out of 146,911 employed people. The province of L’Aquila (1 death) is in the yellow zone, with an incidence of 9.2 out of 109,029 employed people.

Here is the general picture. The regions that will end up in the red zone, at the end of May 2024, with an incidence higher than +25% compared to the national average (Im=Average incidence index, equal to 12.1 deaths at work per million workers) are: Valle d’Aosta, Trentino-Alto Adige, Umbria, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Sicily and Puglia. Calabria is in the orange zone. Abruzzo, Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont, Tuscany, Basilicata, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Molise are in the yellow zone. The regions that appear in the white zone are: Lazio, Sardinia, Marche and Veneto.

In Lombardy, again according to the Vega observatory, the highest number of victims at work was recorded (48). They are followed by: Emilia-Romagna (35), Campania (30), Sicily (22), Lazio (21), Puglia (20), Piedmont (19), Tuscany (17), Veneto (14), Trentino-Alto Adige (12), Calabria (8), Umbria and Liguria (7), Abruzzo (6), Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Sardinia and Marche (5), Valle d’Aosta and Basilicata (2) and Molise (1).

The Construction sector is the one in which, at the end of the first five months of 2024, the highest number of work-related deaths was recorded: 57. This is followed by the Manufacturing sector (37), the Transport and Warehousing sector (25) and the Trade sector (18).

The age group numerically most affected by fatal accidents at work is that between 55 and 64 years old (99 out of a total of 286).

The women who lost their lives at work are 21, while 8 died in itinere, that is, on the way from home to work.

There were 62 foreigners who died at work, while 17 died due to an accident while commuting.

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