Marotta freezes Inzaghi, Ausilio explains who stays, who arrives and who leaves

Marotta freezes Inzaghi, Ausilio explains who stays, who arrives and who leaves
Marotta freezes Inzaghi, Ausilio explains who stays, who arrives and who leaves

Taremi and Zielinski are the first two pieces of the new Inter, fresh from their second star: the update on Inzaghi and Lautaro’s renewals and the market operations

L’Inter in the words of Marotta e Help. The opening of the transfer market marks the beginning of a new season: it is the time for choices, to decide who arrives and who leaves. From the renewal of Simone Inzaghi to that of Lautarofrom the shots already landed to those in the pipeline: here’s how the Nerazzurri club is preparing to defend the title.

The Inter of the future: Ausilio takes stock of the situation

We start with the zero-cost purchases already defined. Marotta and Ausilio speak from Rimini, on the occasion of the opening ceremony of the summer transfer market, and says: “With Taremi and Zielinski we will be even more competitive” he assures Peter Help. Which then focuses on Joseph Martinezthe Genoa goalkeeper identified as a possible second for Sommer. “He is not yet an Inter player – the sporting director reiterates -. There is an ongoing negotiation with Genoabut other profiles are also being monitored. We are still discussing: I prefer not to make predictions on the timing”. It is no mystery that the Nerazzurri like another talent from the Grifone: Gudmundsson. “I appreciate it so much, but we are these. The team is almost ready, then maybe there will be some opportunities”.

Help on the future of Arnautovic, Carboni and Oristanio

Regarding the position of ArnautovicAusilio says: “We have never put him on the market. We are happy with his contribution, he was also important in the locker room, when he helped Thuram”. Then the point on the two talents Carboni and Oristanio. “Evaluations are underway – says the Inter market man, who has clear ideas on the former Cagliari player -. We are oriented to give out Oristaniothen we will see the formula: there are Serie A teams and even foreign ones after him”. carbon every scenario is still open. “We are waiting for the America’s Cup to finish: he has to enjoy it. When he returns we will talk about it together: he might as well stay with us”.

Chapter Dumfries. The player would like to stay: “Both us and him would like to find an agreement for a new contract. It expires in 2025, the idea is to extend it and improve it, finding a solution that works for everyone. Sometimes he is underestimated, he has given a great contribution to Inter and has always accepted all the decisions with great professionalism.

Marotta and the expected renewals of captain Lautaro and Inzaghi

Matter of days, for Lautaro Martinez. Word from the President Beppe Marotta: “He is now on the other side of the world and cannot sign but we will do so in a few days. We are proud of this operation: he is our captain”. The new number one of Inter does not spare, however, a dig at the coach of the second star, Simone Inzaghi. “There is an excellent relationship, there is a negotiation underway, but it is part of certain dynamics, with the utmost respect between the parties. Inzaghi deserves the maximum, but then we must deal with fairness of evaluation and judgment. It is normal that there is this confrontation, but I am sure that it will end with the happiness of both positions”

However, the presence of a pillar such as Calhanoglu: “To tell the truth, there has never been any doubt, we have never received any request, but Calhanoglu’s statement is very welcome. It makes us proud that it strengthens the sense of belonging”.

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