VN – Asllani idea for Fiorentina: continuous contacts but Marotta is not Giuntoli

VN – Asllani idea for Fiorentina: continuous contacts but Marotta is not Giuntoli
VN – Asllani idea for Fiorentina: continuous contacts but Marotta is not Giuntoli

Asllani is a name that Pradè and Fiorentina like a lot, but between saying and doing there is Marotta. The midfield move could be very similar, in terms of characteristics, to the player from Alba

There is much talk about the attack of the Fiorentina Of Palladinobut the first emergency is in the middle of the field. From Bonaventura in Castrovilli, the purple team found itself without interpreters for its midfield. The market started a day ago and the couple Pradè-Goretti will have to unite ideas, ambition but above all names capable of making the leap in quality Fiorentina. Among the various Vranckx and Brescianini, the real name for the Viola midfield still seems “hidden”. One of these names could be Christian Asllani, current director of theInter of Inzaghi. What lies behind the interest of the Fiorentina for Albanian?

The Fiorentina needs a real director. After Torreira and the failed experiment with He loved it, Arthur tried to take over the direction of the team. His adventure in Florence lasted only one year, with the Brazilian returning to Turin to the court of Juventus. And now? Pradè will look for a director on the market, an important name and at the same time a high level one. And this could have been, at least in the past, precisely Christian Aslani. The 2002-born player knows Tuscany well, given his past at Empoli and these days he is spending a few days of vacation in Florence. Fiorentina’s interest in Asllani dates back to last summer. Before arriving at Arthur, Barones and Meadows They have often called Inter, even offering 22 million for the Nerazzurri player, but they have always found a real wall erected by Marottanot only for economic reasons.

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