Professional Figure for Speleological Tourism in Abruzzo Defined

Professional Figure for Speleological Tourism in Abruzzo Defined
Professional Figure for Speleological Tourism in Abruzzo Defined

Law Approved that Defines the Roles and Responsibilities of the Speleological Tourism Guide

The regional council of Abruzzo has recently approved an omnibus law that introduces important innovations in the speleological tourism sector.

Among the various provisions, the law defines the skills of the new professional figure of “speleological tourism guide” and establishes the list at the competent Department of the Abruzzo Region.

This role will be included in the Regional Repertoire of qualifications and professional profiles of the Region.

The speleological tourism guide will have the task of guiding tourists in the caves and artificial cavities registered in the regional territory.

This professional figure will be responsible for ensuring the safety of visitors, while providing detailed information on the geological and historical characteristics of the sites visited.

The definition of the skills of this role aims to enhance the Abruzzo speleological heritage, promoting sustainable and conscious tourism.

The omnibus law also provides for various funding for organizations and events.

These funds will be used to improve existing infrastructure and organize events.

The goal is to make Abruzzo a reference destination for speleology enthusiasts, attracting visitors from both Italy and abroad.

The omnibus law has been welcomed by operators in the sector, who see in this professional figure an opportunity to improve the quality of the services offered and to promote speleological tourism in a more structured and professional way.

With the entry into force of the law, an increase in tourist activities related to speleology is expected, with economic benefits for the entire region.

In conclusion, the approval of the omnibus law and the definition of the roles of the guide for speleological tourism represent an important innovation for the Abruzzo tourism sector.

This initiative will contribute to enhancing the speleological heritage of the region, promoting sustainable and quality tourism.


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