Stone falls from construction site and breaks shop window, fear in Teramo

Stone falls from construction site and breaks shop window, fear in Teramo
Stone falls from construction site and breaks shop window, fear in Teramo

Fear this morning in the alley of Piazza Verdi, in Teramo: a stone fell during the works for the covered market, breaking the window of a shop. It was reported by Carlo Antonetti, city councilor, who asks: “But is the construction site, in relation to the protection of safety, health and public safety, regular?”

“This morning a large stone fell while work was underway at the covered market construction site, violently shattering a window of the hairdresser’s shop in the alley while, moreover, a customer was entering the adjacent door. A tragedy was narrowly avoided due to a problem that was announced, evident to all and which I denounced publicly in a press release three months ago!” This was reported by Carlo Antonetti, a municipal councilor of Teramo, who then added:

“I passed by the alley in question a few minutes after the incident, very close to my office, and I was able to observe the great and understandable agitation of the people present at the time of the incident, and the particular behavior of a lady who, representing the company carrying out the work, in clear contrast with those present, even accused me of being there for political reasons. It’s all really incredible! And so I continue to ask myself if the situation at the construction site of the Covered Market, as can be seen in the attached photos and videos, seems normal, regular and respectful of the laws that regulate the protection of safety, health, public safety and the entire matter!”

At this point, Antonetti asks himself: “What has been done to date by the competent authorities? As a citizen, as a resident of the area, as a city councilor, I continue to ask myself, to ask you and above all to ask the Municipality of Teramo and the competent authorities, none excluded, if the demolition of a building complex of such important dimensions, moreover located in the heart of the historic center and around which the passage of pedestrians and cars is also permitted, can be carried out without the necessary scaffolding and without adequate, appropriate and safe protection of the entire perimeter and for the entire height of the building? Is it necessary for a tragedy to happen?”, concludes the Teramo city councilor.

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