Ambrosetti Forum, Piana: “The Ligurian economy is constantly growing”

Liguria. “The picture outlined by the numbers of this eighth forum is more than comforting: it highlights a constantly growing Ligurian economy, a factor that has direct repercussions on employment, another key point for the development and future of our land. After the great post-Covid rebound, with Liguria’s GDP growing by 5.1% in 2022 (more than the national average) and a year and a half, 2023 and half 2024, with regional growth aligned with the national average, in Growth of 1.4% is expected in 2025, higher than the national average: a trend that confirms the health of the Ligurian economy”.

This was said by the interim president of the Liguria Region Alessandro Piana on the sidelines of his speech at the eighth Ambrosetti Forum in Rapallo, the final event of the eighth edition of TEHA – The European House Ambrosetti. A moment of giving back to institutions and territorial economic representatives which, for the first time, was anticipated over the months by the provincial working tables (on 4 March in Imperia, on 11 April in La Spezia, on 19 April in Savona and on 12 June in Genoa), coordinated by the Councilor for Economic Development Alessio Piana, which involved a total of 120 local stakeholders.

“The employment rate will reach 72.2% in 2023, truly remarkable. NEETs, young people who do not study or work, are decreasing. Tourism, innovation, technology, maritime economy, exports are the sectors that drive the Liguria system, which confirms itself as the first Italian region for TEUs handled, incidence of maritime economy companies on the total, for berths and tourist landing places, for incidence of employment and added value of the Blue Economy on the regional total and second in terms of number of cruise passengers, with exports which, in 2023, set a new record, with a value of 10.7 billion euros”.

“It is essential to continue with the infrastructures – Piana continued – the port of Genoa in 2023 with 47.8 million tons is the second port at national level for goods handled after Trieste. At the same time, considering the Port System of Genoa as a whole, with 62.9 million tons the latter is first in Italy”.

“I would also like to underline that attention to businesses but also to the environment is growing. Environmental satisfaction among citizens in 2023 increased by 2.5 percentage points in the last year, going from 76% to 78.5% (first region in Italy) and the percentage of Ligurian citizens worried about the loss of biodiversity also decreased, a symptom that we are working adequately both to push the economic engine and to present our habitat” concluded Piana.

“The picture presented today shows a healthy Liguria, with GDP growing more than the national average in the last three years (+5.1% in 2022, +0.8% in 2023 and +1% in 2024), as well as exports (+50.1% compared to pre-Covid) and employment which has reached the historic record of 72% and the consequent reduction in the percentage of NEETs (11.3% in 2023 against 20.4% in 2020), those young people who neither study nor work – underlines the regional councilor for Economic Development and coordinator of the provincial tables Alessio Piana – The role of our ports is central, which give us a region that is in first place in the national ranking of the blue economy (10.5% of Ligurian companies are active in the maritime economy) and of TEUs handled (34.3% of the national total)”.

“Numbers which, in perspective, are destined to grow thanks to the important infrastructures arriving in Liguria between now and the next few years. Lots of lights, but also some sectors on which to continue working to perform better, such as renewables and research. Areas on which the Liguria Region pays great attention, which will see us as protagonists on the one hand with the definition of the Regional Environmental Energy Plan (PEAR 2030) and on the other with the implementation of the three-year regional Research and Innovation program which will bring a total of 238 millions in the territory”.

“I would like to thank – adds Councilor Alessio Piana – all those who worked on this new edition of the Ambrosetti Forum who made the discussion with partners, category representatives, associations, the Chamber System, the Port System, Confindustria, unions, research institutions and the University possible and participated. Subjects who were not only proactive, but also fundamental in identifying the tools and actions necessary to accompany the growth and development of our region”.

“Liguria continues to show signs of economic growth, consolidating a robust and sustainable recovery. The data indicate a positive trend in various key sectors of the local economy, confirming the joint efforts of institutions, businesses and citizens – said the deputy and vice minister of the League Edoardo Rixi during the forum -. In particular, it is the first region for percentage incidence of businesses in the Sea Economy and for turnover of floriculture businesses, the second for number of cruise passengers at a national level and the second for average age of trains”.

“With a GDP aligned with the national average, exports marked another historic record in 2023 with 10.7 billion euros and growth compared to 2019 which places the region in first place among those of the North and in fifth place at national. The employment rate is also at record values ​​with 72.2% in 2023, the highest growth in Italy compared to 2019. At the same time, the share of young people who do not study or work falls to an all-time low, with lower values than the national average. The positive results testify to the effectiveness of the strategies adopted and the constant commitment of the institutions for a future of growth and sustainable development for the entire region” he concludes.

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