Ragusa. Summer of theatre, events and training with the Bottega dell’Attore

Ragusa. Summer of theatre, events and training with the Bottega dell’Attore
Ragusa. Summer of theatre, events and training with the Bottega dell’Attore

This summer, “Bottega spazio aperto 2024” is back, the program of events of the company Bottega dell’Attore by Germano Martorano. A summer version to see and savor, as before each show there will be the possibility of an aperitif. To tell us more about the busy program of events and shows, the Artistic Director Germano Martorana.

Germano, a summer full of shows. A general comment on the event programme

We are stubborn and we returned again this year, the wonderful setting in the heart of Ragusa continues to inspire us. We wanted to give a variety of shows and genres focusing on theatre. Sophocles, Shakespeare, Verga will keep us company, we will touch on Woody Allen’s comedy. We will tell you stories, many friends wanted to bring their works and you will experience all this together with the protagonists. “Bottega Spazio Aperto 24” will above all be training. Two acting workshops, one included within the Shakespearean festival that we are hosting again this year, and will be conducted by Maestro Matteo Tarasco for the first time in Ragusa. It will be a masterclass with a limited number of people and will lead to the staging of the show Misura per Misura by William Shakespeare on 23 August and in early September a commedia dell’arte workshop conducted by Marzia Ciulla with staging in mid-September.

We start with the Greek tragedy, Antigone, on 5-6-7 July. Was it simple or difficult to deal with such a complex work?

The Antigone project starts from a study carried out within the theatrical training laboratories and this year for this project we entrusted ourselves to a close friend and great professional who is Giuseppe Ferlito. Ferlito with the skill of a good theatrical craftsman is putting together this show and adapting it to the natural setting of Ragusa. We can’t wait to debut.

Tell us about your students and your various collaborations with other directors

Over the years, La Bottega has always been a place of inclusion and expression, every year we collaborate and bring experience to our baggage. We have never been a self-referential laboratory, the comparison with other teachers and with other methodologies is something we have always believed in and aimed for since day one.

Will all the shows take place in the same place in Ragusa?

Yes, in the posters there is the possibility to see the location and the times. In addition, all the events will be preceded by a small welcome aperitif. I would like to emphasize that the shows are self-produced, and for this I want to thank the public. We have no patronage, neither municipal nor regional. Only a lot of sweat, love for the theater and risk. So we invite our public to support us in this crazy undertaking.


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