Perugia Calcio does not change hands, Santopadre refuses TimeNova’s offer of 8 million

Perugia Calcio does not change hands, Santopadre refuses TimeNova’s offer of 8 million
Perugia Calcio does not change hands, Santopadre refuses TimeNova’s offer of 8 million

The offer “cannot be accepted”we read in the motivation signed by the red and white club

AC Perugia Calcio had received a new offer to purchase the club from Time Nova, a Luxembourg holding company headed by three Italian entrepreneurs.
TimeNova had in fact put forward the request by putting on the scales a total amount of over 8 million euros, plus a bonus in the event of promotion to Serie B by 30 June 2026. Recalling that in the company’s industrial plan there is a minimum investment that varies between 12 and 16 million for the next three sporting seasons.

TimeNova Holding had moved on this issue and with these huge proposals once it had taken note of the withdrawal of Sciurpa’s group, to the point of having also budgeted for the possibility of supporting him for a new path at the helm of Perugia.

But, breaking news, reveals that the president of the red and white club Massimiliano Santopadre today rejected without further reasons the offer sent late Monday afternoon via “pec” to AC Perugia Calcio.

The offer “cannot be accepted”, reads the motivation signed by the Umbrian club.
It is therefore necessary to understand what the intention of President Santopadre is, who has repeatedly flaunted his intention to sell the sports club and who once again refused the umpteenth proposal that came to the table.

And so, just as in the past few days Sciurpa’s group had interrupted negotiations for the acquisition in the face of yet another rejected proposal, another official “no” has now been added.
A press release that induced the lawyer Antonio Di Tommaso, administrator of the Luxembourg holding company interested in purchasing Perugia, to consider the negotiations for the acquisition of the red and white club closed and to channel the finances of TimeNova Holding towards different entities.

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