Via dei Mille centre, five months after the resumption, 800 activities booked by more than 500 users / News / What’s new / Homepage

Via dei Mille centre, five months after the resumption, 800 activities booked by more than 500 users / News / What’s new / Homepage
Via dei Mille centre, five months after the resumption, 800 activities booked by more than 500 users / News / What’s new / Homepage

Five months after the resumption of activity at the Center for pedagogical documentation and laboratory teaching in Via dei Mille, it is clear how the place has become a point of reference for the community. Thanks to the 60 volunteers, 10 working in the front office and 50 experts involved in workshops, desks, events, readings, conferences, creative activities, meetings and school support, since 22 January over 500 users have turned to the center where they have booked 800 activities.
The 60 activated proposals divided into weekly, bi-weekly and monthly appointments have constituted a rich and varied offer in recent months, completely free and aimed at children and adults.

The results obtained were presented at the Center headquarters by the education councilor Giovanni Selmo. Isabella Cominato, president of IPAB for minors in Vicenza, was present.

«We are very satisfied with the results achieved which were possible thanks to a network of volunteers who supported the professionals, in the field of educational policies, engaged in the centre’s activities, demonstrating that the city needed a center like this – he commented Leducation councilor Giovanni Selmo -. The objective is that in Via dei Mille a real reference point is created for building an intergenerational educational community through the educational and pedagogical offer for minors and families, which goes beyond the traditional school path, and which involves all citizenship. Next year we want to continue with new proposals and workshops thanks above all to the participation of volunteers. During the summer the centre’s activity does not stop: you will be able to take part in free activities in the month of July thanks to the calendar included in the “Living in childhood 06+” project.

In detail, 40% of the bookings concerned activities for children, while 10% of the proposals were booked by teenagers (secondary school age) and 50% by adults (parents, grandparents, teachers, educators).

The workshops for every age group (300 participants), and events dedicated exclusively to children (250, from nursery school age) are very popular. Approximately 30 evenings were organised, presentations of teaching books and activities for adults, parents and teachers and 16 reading promotion activities proposed by Bill – The library of legality and of great value was the opening of the “The thin thread” desk of the The association Donna calls Donna, a space for listening and free consultation with psychologists and psychotherapists for children aged 14 and over.

The activities proposed were very varied: crochet workshops, carpentry, ethnic cuisine, clay, mosaic; meetings on parenting and the prevention of distress; psychomotricity; Kamishibai and reading aloud.

The center’s activity will resume with the start of the school year.

Meanwhile, within the project “Living childhoods 06+”, created on the occasion of the twenty-third national conference of the National Nest and Childhood Group which will be held for the first time in Vicenza from 25 to 27 October, five free workshops for children are planned for the month of July: 3 July “Creative clay space” (for children from 6 years old, 5.30-6.30 pm), on 10 July puppet show “Little Red Riding Hood” (from 5 to 9 years, 5-6 pm), on 17 July animated reading with creative workshop “And if you are born a medium fish ?” (from 5 to 9 years, 5.30pm – 6pm), on 24 July mosaic workshop (from 6 to 10 years, 5 – 6.15pm), on 25 July “Mum and Dad discovering creative mosaic” (for school children of childhood and of the first and second years of primary school with their families, 5pm – 6.15pm)

Anyone who wishes to participate can register by writing an email to [email protected]

“The project “Living childhoods 06+” will start this week, Saturday 29 June, with the end of the educational and school year party in Parco Querini dedicated to the youngest children, in which I invite all families to participate to spend a cheerful morning under the sign of creativity”.

From 10am to 12pm participants will be able to enjoy laboratory experiences of reading, pictorial graphics and manipulations. The experiences will last approximately 20 minutes and will be divided into four shifts (10.10, 10.40, 11.10, 11.40) for groups of up to 15 people including children and families.

There end party educational and school year also includes visits to the greenhouses of Parco Querini, promoted and organized by the environment department as part of the European project H2020 Cities2030 and which will host an exhibition on the schools participating in the project’s living labs on food sustainability. The day will end with a “BioSnack” offered by Cities2030.

The initiative also sees the collaboration of the Volunteer Service Center – CSV.

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