CCIAA Umbria revolution in Public Administration. The conference

CCIAA Umbria revolution in Public Administration. The conference
CCIAA Umbria revolution in Public Administration. The conference

NewTuscia – PERUGIA – The bureaucratic simplification of the Public Administration is ready to make a new, decisive leap forward, so much so that it is being defined as a revolution. People are talking about it tomorrow Wednesday 3 July in Perugia, at the Multipurpose Hall of the Umbria Chamber of Commerce, in via Cacciatori delle Alpi n.42, in the conference promoted by Infocamera, Unioncamere ed Chamber of Commerce Umbrian (starting at 9am), entitled “SSU – Simplification and standardization of One-Stop Shops“.

Bribery (One-stop shop for productive activities) and Sue (One-stop shop for construction), (the platform created by InfoCamere on behalf of the Chambers of Commerce) have now become well-known acronyms and key elements of administrative simplification and the ability to speed up the start-up and management of an economic activity.

But the leap forward lies in a decisive leap in quality of interoperability, in the standardization of processes and in the digitalization of paper forms through the SSU (One-Stop Shop Information System).

This is a very ambitious project to arrive at a new architecture of the Public Administration, financed by the Pnrr (National Recovery and Resilience Plan), which has very tight deadlines, having to be not only completed, but also accounted for by 2026.

In this context, Suap and Sue will have to function according to these new technological assumptions, fully unleashing their potential.

Tomorrow’s conference will serve precisely to illustrate and prepare this profound change towards a real administrative simplification, spreading awareness of the great opportunities that are opening up, but also of the problems to be faced.

What is Suap?

The Sportello Unico Attività Produttive is a single point of access exclusively online. The Suap is available to the entrepreneur to manage all the administrative matters regarding his productive activity, in dialogue with the various municipal offices and all the other public administrations involved (Asl, Fire Brigade, Arpa, Police Headquarters, Prefecture, Ministries …). The functions of the Suap can be exercised by individual Municipalities, even in an associated form, or be delegated by the Municipalities to the Chambers of Commerce.

The Suap Camerale is currently present in 4,074 municipalities, more than half (51.6%) of the Italian municipalities, and represents the most widespread and complete platform at a national level, capable of providing a unique and timely response for the start of economic activities.

The provincial capitals that use the platform “One day undertaking“, provided by the Chambers of Commerce, are currently 53, for a total of over one million practices (1,130,166) passed through the Chamber’s Suap in 2023.

The program of tomorrow’s conference

The proceedings will open at 9am with greetings from Federico Sisti, Secretary General of the Umbria Chamber of Commerce; at 9.15 am the report of Daniele Monteforte (Infocamere) are “The Catalogue of the IT System of Single Desks (SSU)”; will follow at 10.30, and until 10.45, a first space open to questions. After the coffee break, Daniele Monteforte will illustrate “Enterprise Platform in a day” and then, from 12.45pm to 1pm, a second space open to questions.

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