Memorandum of understanding between the Employment Center of Enna and Leonforte and the CPIA of Caltanissetta and Enna


A significant memorandum of understanding was signed on 26 June between the Employment Center of Enna and Leonforte, represented by the Director of the Service, Dr. Giuseppe Nasello, and the Provincial Center for Adult Education (CPIA) of Caltanissetta and Enna, represented by the Headmaster, Dr. Giovanni Bevilacqua. The agreement aims to promote cooperation and the development of synergies between the two institutions to improve the employability and training of the adult population in the territory.



The CPIA of Caltanissetta and Enna, established in 2015, operates as a Territorial Service Network in 42 municipalities in the provinces of Caltanissetta and Enna. Its activities include the provision of first and second level training courses, literacy and Italian language learning courses for foreigners, and interventions to combat the phenomenon of NEETs (young people not engaged in education, work or training).

The Enna and Leonforte Employment Center deals with the management of employment services, with particular attention to the matching of job supply and demand and the professional retraining of users, thanks also to the technical support of Sviluppo Lavoro Italia SpA

The memorandum of understanding provides for various joint actions, including: needs analysis, collaboration with the local productive fabric to analyze the needs of the territory and develop targeted policies and actions; training and orientation, training support and orientation for Italian and foreign citizens, promoting education and professional qualification paths; events and meetings, organization of information events, such as job days and career days, to facilitate the meeting between job supply and demand; support for recipients of economic benefits, collaboration for the regularization of the positions of recipients of economic benefits, facilitating access to training and education paths.

“This memorandum of understanding, together with the one recently signed with the Caltanissetta Employment Centre, represents a significant step towards the creation of an integrated education and work system, capable of responding effectively to the needs of the territory – underlines the head teacher of the CPIA of Caltanissetta and Enna, prof. Giovanni Bevilacqua -. It is a concrete example of how collaboration between institutions can generate growth and development opportunities for our territory. We are excited about this partnership, which allows us to expand our training offerings and better respond to the needs of our community. The synergy between our school and the Enna and Leonforte Employment Center will allow us to implement new initiatives and projects that can really make a difference for many people. It is essential to create a solid network that can support citizens in their personal and professional growth path, offering concrete tools for reintegration into the world of work and for the acquisition of new skills. Our mission is to ensure that every individual has access to the opportunities they need to realize their potential, and this agreement represents an important step in that direction. For this I thank the precious collaboration of Dr. Giuseppe Nasello” concludes Bevilacqua.

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