The first day of EXE Bradyseism 2024 exercises has concluded – Cronaca Flegrea

The first day of EXE Bradyseism 2024 exercises has concluded – Cronaca Flegrea
The first day of EXE Bradyseism 2024 exercises has concluded – Cronaca Flegrea

POZZUOLI – The Municipal Operations Center (COC) of Pozzuoli, located in Monterusciello, continues to work to guarantee maximum assistance to the population. With the management of the emergency resulting from the seismic swarm of May 20, the COC is now also involved in important exercises scheduled for today and tomorrow. In today’s simulation, an earthquake swarm was hypothesized in the Campi Flegrei with events of magnitude 4.4, 4.2, 4.3, 3.7 and 3.9, distinctly felt by the population. These scenarios allow us to test and refine the Civil Protection procedures envisaged by the Expeditive Planning for Bradyseism, established following Legislative Decree 140 of 12 October. The simulation on the first day made it necessary to activate the Municipal Operational Centers, the Rescue Coordination Center at the Prefecture of Naples, the regional Operations Room and the Emercom Room of the Civil Protection of Campania, in addition to the INGV Vesuvian Observatory which issued communications relating to seismic events and swarms and the convocation of the National Operational Committee of the Civil Protection Department. These exercises are useful tools to be ready in case of emergency, we must never let our guard down and test communication flows and field operations remain operations of great importance.

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