Fabbri sworn in at Darsena. The new council begins

Fabbri sworn in at Darsena. The new council begins
Fabbri sworn in at Darsena. The new council begins

It begins with a municipal council in the Nuova Darsena, in the spaces in front of the Wunderkammer Consortium, and many people to assist the new council by Alan Fabbri who, as per practice, has sworn “to loyally observe the Italian constitution”. Initially the session is chaired by Valentina Loredana Ionita of the mayor’s civic body before giving way to Federico Soffritti (Fratelli d’Italia) who will occupy the presidency for the next 5 years. At the same time as the president, Anna Chiappini (Pd) was elected as deputy. Both obtain unanimity with only one small difference, for Soffritti one ballot is blank.

Shortly before it had been the time of the subrogations with Aurora Prencipe and Brando Sardo taking the place of the resigning Silvia Fabbri and Giacomo Gelmi (all Civica Fabbri). It is up to Francesco Rendine, appointed president of the Civica Fabbri, to propose Federico Soffritti as the new president of the city council. “The air has changed – says Rendine – and at least from my point of view it has changed for the better”. “Starting with the new council here in Darsena has a particular meaning – says Soffritti – and now, in addition to being a symbol of regeneration, it is a point of rebirth for Ferrara”. “The contrasts that animated the electoral campaign – he continues – must now change into a spirit of collaboration, respect and trust in the institutions we represent in order to pursue a common objective for the good of Ferrara, of those who live and love it” .

“Today – continues Soffritti – I am here to take off my clothes as a party representative. Over the last five years I have tried on every occasion to find a synthesis between majority and opposition by encouraging, within the limits of my role, a civil and constructive dialogue. I believe that the role of the municipal president must represent a third and impartial figure. The role of the president requires him to defend the rights and prerogatives of all councilors regardless of belonging to majority or opposition groups with the sole purpose of creating harmony for the success of the work of the municipal council, in the interest of the citizens of Ferrara”. “Each of the councilors – he finally recalls – represents the entire population”.

Leonardo Fiorentini (Civica Anselmo), announcing the vote in favor of Soffritti’s appointment, thanks “those who had the vision to open this place (the Darsena) in 2004 and those who found the funds in 2017”. After “the heavy aftermath left by the previous council” the councilor recalls that the choice to support this candidacy depends on an “obvious constructive spirit” as well as “the expressed commitment to not only be an arbiter but also a guarantor of the councillors’ rights”. It is no coincidence that he recalls how the task of the opposition is that of controller, expressing “doubts, problems and errors” with respect to what “the council and the municipal council will do and must have the right to be able to do so effectively and with ability to improve life in our city, because this is the ultimate goal of this assembly”.

Anna Zonari for the Municipality of Ferrara also votes in favour, believing that that of president is “one of the most precious roles, not only because it guarantees the rights of all political forces but also because it can greatly encourage dialogue and collaboration between councillors, facilitate of relations with a view to good politics”. “Obviously this is not enough – she adds – if it is not accompanied by a commitment to responsibility from all of us”.

The president of the Pd Group Massimo Buriani instead announces the other candidacy, that of Anna Chiappini. The latter, declaring “that it is nice to put ourselves at the service of citizens”, underlines that “being part of a council means representing those who have chosen us as people to be able to carry forward the requests that everyone feels and experiences in their own city”. “The council – she concludes – is not a council of the council but of all citizens and we represent this. I am committed to carrying forward the work of dialogue and building bridges.”

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