Potenza weather, the forecast for tomorrow Thursday 27 June

The Weather forecast for Thursday 27 June in Potenza forecast stable and sunny conditions for most of the day. In the morning the sky will be clear with a temperature that will remain around +19°C at 06:00and then gradually rise until reaching i +29.7°C at 12:00 pm. The perception of the temperature will be slightly lower, but still pleasant, with values ​​around +18°C to the early hours of the morning and until +28.2°C at midday.

In the afternoon, starting from 1:00 pman increase in cloud cover is expected, with the appearance of scattered clouds which could lead to a slight drop in temperatures, reaching around +30.1°C. The situation will be confirmed during the afternoon, with a slight decrease in temperatures until +27.6°C at 4:00 pm.

In the evening, the sky will present itself again with scattered cloudswith a temperature that will gradually drop to +16.8°C at 11pm. The relative humidity of the air will increase over the course of the day, moving from 68% in the morning at 76% in the evening.

The weather forecast for the next few days in Potenza they indicate a maintenance of stable conditions, with generally clear or little cloudy skies and temperatures that will remain at summer values, with maximum peaks around +30°C. The relative humidity of the air will remain at acceptable values, ensuring a pleasant and dry climate.

In conclusion, Thursday 27 June in Potenza promises to be a day of good weather, with pleasant temperatures and a summer climate that invites you to enjoy the beauty of the city and its surroundings.

All the weather data for Thursday 27 June in Potenza

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