Rusulia Superstar – Municipality of Palermo

The June 28th at 9pm absolute debut of “Rusulia Superstar” written and directed by Giuseppe Massa toPalermo Sea Ecomuseum (Via Messina Marine, 14 – Palermo). Free entry while places last, with repeat performances on June 29th and 30th. After the success of R/G which recorded in recent weeks the sold out for both dates, Giuseppe Massa’s investigation into contemporary myths continues, through ancestors of the future such as (saint) Rosalia, symbols of a precious collective and individual memory.

A feminine and transgenerational reading in honor of the 400th Feast of Santa Rosaliaby Rosalia, patron saint of the city of Palermo, which will see great performers such as Simona Malato, Aurora Quattrocchi.e. the very young one Martina Ziami. The traditions that revolve around the cult of the Saint are confronted with the themes of contemporary theater, in this suture between tradition and contemporaneity the key to Massa’s work. In fact, we also find the pop-urban matrix in Rusulia Superstarentrusted to the presence on stage of Dario Mangiaracina (frontman of La Representative di Lista) who will perform the music of the show live accompanied by the drummer Giulia Perriera.

Rusulia Superstar it is, therefore, a multidisciplinary performance with three voices: three Rosalias, each with their own song of salvation and desperation, each an interpreter, but also a symbol of a symbol that has no age. With great ethical and religious respect, Massa faces in a secular way the most human, imperfect and revolutionary aspect of Rosalia, a strong woman who refuses marriage, who goes against the grain, who defends her choice of hermitage.

Rusulia Superstar is the story of a woman from the people of the last, the marginalized, the “unsane”. The inspiration comes precisely from the director’s acquaintance with an extraordinary group of women and men with mental disabilities. Rusulia is the crazy woman who makes you tremble, between reality and fantasy outside of a pietistic narrative. How much does everything outside scare us? And what price does this freedom have? In this piece, Giuseppe Massa brings to the stage, in an original and dynamic way, his investigation into the patron saint of Palermo, her persuasive power, her highly contemporary matrix, linking her story to the fractures and short circuits of the contemporary, without discounts or censorship , taking the risk that art feeds on.

HISTORY. Rusulia follows her need for escape and rebirth. She is attracted by the sacred promontory, Monte Pellegrino, and escapes at night to reach the cave where the sanctuary of the patron saint of Palermo stands. A woman who becomes or dreams of being a saint, in this case not at all salvific. A sort of angel of the apocalypse. Her madness is that of our society. Once again the director deals with delicate and difficult events of our time, such as the stigma of mental illness, the relationship that our society has with ‘diversity’, which causes shame, judgment, distancing, the strangeness that needs to be hidden, suffocated and ignore. Massa does it with great delicacy, from an ethical, spiritual and also political point of view, through the tools of theater: “allegory, metaphor, comparison” said De Andrè.


Rusulia Superstar is a secular prayer, the story of a nocturnal climb up a mountain, the climb towards a gray sky, the fulfillment of a dream, a pop ascension imagined and accomplished by advancing on one’s knees dripping with blood. From a dramaturgical point of view, the protagonist will be played by three actresses of different ages, in order to fragment her ego and explain her mysterious and almost mystical aspect. In Rusulia Superstar there is all my love for Palermo, my city, our city, which comes out in a rhythmic, violent and at times involuntarily and inexplicably poetic Palermo. The traditions that revolve around the cult of the Saint are therefore compared with the new styles of contemporary theatre, with popurban music, with the dreams and urgencies of the marginalized, so that the bones of the dead which strew the scene can transmute into flowers.

RUSULA SUPERSTAR Of Giuseppe Massawith Simona Malato, Aurora Quattrocchi, Martina Ziami And Dario Mangiaracina, Giulia Perriera. Music by Dario Mangiaracina. Lights by Cristian Zucaro; Felicetta Giordano and Martina Nania sets and costumes. Sound by Alessio Fabbra. Nancy Trabona, assistant director; Elena Amato, production assistant. Photos, videos and communication: Rossella Puccio.

Duration of the show: 45 minutes. Free entry while places last.

Reservations on the eventbrite website: Please show up to collect your ticket at the Ecomuseum. The reservation will be guaranteed up to 15 minutes before the start of the show, after which the place can be assigned to another spectator.


written and directed by Giuseppe Massa

with Simona Malato, Aurora Quattrocchi, the very young Martina Ziami

And Dario Mangiaracina, Giulia Perriera

music Dario Mangiaracina

lights Cristian Zucaro

scenes and costumes Felicetta Giordano, Martina Nania

sound Alessio Fabbra

assistant director Nancy Trabona

production assistant Elena Amato

communication and press office Rossella Puccio

a production SuttaScupa



Rossella Puccio

e-mail: [email protected] | mobile: +39 3917933646

SUTTASCUPA | social media: @suttascupa

telephone: 328.1994475

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