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Dog Giorgio stabbed to death, Prestipino: “Rome should constitute a civil party”

Dog Giorgio stabbed to death, Prestipino: “Rome should constitute a civil party”
Dog Giorgio stabbed to death, Prestipino: “Rome should constitute a civil party”

June 24, 2024 | 6.59pm

Dog Giorgio stabbed to death, Prestipino:

Photo: Lndc Animal Protection

The anger of animal rights activists explodes intently, demanding “Justice be done and that whoever committed this atrocious act be put in a position to no longer harm any living being”

Rome, 24 June 2024 – “I feel deep pain and indignation upon hearing such news. If so much cruelty is used on defenseless beings such as animals, there can be no respect for the rest of humanity. It is no coincidence that the mantra of our office is, precisely, ‘respect starts here’”. This was stated by the Rome Capital Animal Guarantor, Patrizia Prestipino, regarding the news of thethe killing of the dog Giorgio by two individuals in Ponte Galeria.

“The people who were guilty of this atrocity – he adds – seem to have been identified and I, in exercising my role as Guarantor, will immediately ask the Mayor and the Municipality of Rome to cto take civil action against these criminals, so that such barbarity does not go unpunished.”

Meanwhile, the anger of animal rights activists who want “SI have done justice “. This is the condemnation of LNDC Animal Protection. “It’s terrible news – adds President Piera Rosati -. Giorgio was a dog loved by everyone who frequented the area and this is demonstrated by the many messages of condolence that have been filling social media since this morning. In the past he had ended up in a kennel, but was re-entrusted to his human life partner because – although homeless – he was very fond of him and led a peaceful life with him. We still don’t know what the reason was that pushed these two characters to attack him with so much violence, but there certainly can be no justification of any kind for all this cruelty. I hope that the police will monitor the two reported very carefully, because it is clear that they are extremely dangerous people who go around armed, venting their malice on the first weak person who comes within their reach. At the same time, I remind Parliament that it is necessary to accelerate the law proposed by the Parliamentary Intergroup for Animal Rights on the tightening of penalties for those who commit these horrible crimes, which today remain effectively unpunished”. it’s on GOOGLE NEWS. To always be updated on our news, click on this link and select the star at the top right to follow the source.

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