It’s a golden trip

It’s a golden trip
It’s a golden trip

Medal sweep for the Polesine Rovigo Canoe Group which also last Sunday, in the regional race of Ferrara was among the most protagonist companies. A total of 21 medals were won (11 gold, 6 silver and 4 bronze) in the distance of 200 meters in the races that were held at the oasis of Vigarano.

To wear the medal of most beautiful metal they were Adele Mancini (Alumni A category), Lorenzo Tumiati and Giovanni Baldo (K2 Allievi A), Anna Lucchin (Alumni B), Francesco Zanirato and Tommaso Gazzieri (Canadian specialty Allievi B category), Glenda Simonetta (Cadets A), Glenda Simonetta and Irene Bedon (K2 Cadets A), Glenda Simonetta (Canadian Cadets A), Leonardo Salvà and Francesco Lucchin (K2 Cadets A), Samuele Zennaro and Filippo Baracco (K2 Cadets B) and Alfonso Di Trento (Master B). Silver medalinstead, for Irene Bedon (Cadets A), Leonardo Salvà (Cadets A), Dharma Valente (Cadets B), Samuele Zennaro (Cadets B), Petra Biasioli and Anna Munerato (K2 Girls), Anna Munerato (Girls). So bronze medal for Luka Di Trento (Students A), Silvia Zambon (Students B), Francesco Zanirato and Tommaso Gazzieri (K2 Students B), Filippo Baracco (Cadetti B).

In addition to the medal winners, it is important to remember the beautiful placements by Matteo Teodori, Nicola Mancini, Diego Trambaiolo and Jacopo Gazzieri.

Obviously there is satisfaction at Gruppo Canoe Polesine, for the performance of the boys who once again allowed the Rovigo club to shine. But now the mind is already turned to this weekend for the races scheduled on Lake Ledro where, between Friday and Sunday, the regional and national races for all categories will be held. About twenty athletes will then remain to train at the lake until Thursday, and then leave again for San Giorgio di Nogaro where the national races will be held on the occasion of the second seasonal event reserved for Canoagiovani.

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