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in memory of the poet Angela, taken from life too early, a degree award dedicated to her! Here’s how to participate

in memory of the poet Angela, taken from life too early, a degree award dedicated to her! Here’s how to participate
in memory of the poet Angela, taken from life too early, a degree award dedicated to her! Here’s how to participate

The University of Basilicata in collaboration with CGIL, CISL and UIL and with the patronage of the Municipality of Cersosimo, announces a competition for theawarding of the “Angela Ferrara” degree/doctorate award – 2nd edition – year 2024, Angela Ferrara, poetess and author of children’s books, from Cersosimo (Potenza), is a Lucanian victim of femicide, Why she was killed by her husband at just 31 years old on 15 September 2018.

As part of the activities to combat violence against women, the University of Basilicata and the CGIL, CISL and UIL unions, with the patronage of the Municipality of Cersosimo, through the establishment of the degree award, they want to remember Angela and all the victims of femicide, starting from the awareness that violence against women, in all its forms, has a cultural matrix which must be studied and explored in order to be eradicated and to educate the young generation in an equal culture that combats stereotypes, values ​​differences and does not make them the object of abuse.

The second edition provides distinguished prizes for bachelor’s and master’s degree holders and PhD holdersin particular, the degree award aims to valorise degree and PhD theses that highlight the value of women’s contribution in the economic, social, political, scientific, artistic, philosophical and literary fields, rewarding the best among these.

The following are eligible to participate in the competition:

– graduates of bachelor’s, single-cycle master’s and master’s degrees in any Italian AFAM university/institution, who have obtained the qualification with a grade of no less than 100/110 in the academic years 2020-2021 , 2021-2022, 2022-2023;

– holders of a PhD title from any Italian university of the XXXIII, XXXIV, XXXV cycle.

Applications must be sent by September 10, 2024, using one of the following methods:

  • sent, in a sealed envelope, by registered mail or via authorized delivery agencies;

The announcement can be consulted at the following link:

Below is the poster with the details.

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