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Public administrations “snail” to pay their suppliers: there is also Agrigento

Public administrations “snail” to pay their suppliers: there is also Agrigento
Public administrations “snail” to pay their suppliers: there is also Agrigento

Agrigento is also included in the list of public administrations that are “snail-like” in paying their suppliers. The CGIA highlighted this. Although the situation has improved in recent years, in 2023 the most critical situation was recorded in Naples. In the capital municipality of the Campania region, suppliers were paid 143 days late. Followed by Andria with 89.5 days late compared to the contractual deadline, Chieti with +61.8, Reggio Calabria with +54.8, Agrigento with +53.5 and Isernia with +53.

In contrast, however, Palermo liquidated its commercial partners 65.5 days early in 2023. No other provincial capital in Italy has done better. In the Centre-North, however, the general picture is mostly positive. Net of Imperia (+22.11 days late), Viterbo (+19) and Alessandria (+14.98), almost all the other provincial capitals of these two geographical divisions pay well in advance of the terms established by the contract. The most virtuous situations concern Padua, Grosseto and Pordenone with an advance payment of more than 21 days.

Even Italian ministries struggle to comply with the provisions of the law regarding payment times relating to commercial transactions. Last year, nine out of 15 ministries (i.e. 60 percent of the total) liquidated their suppliers late compared to the contractual deadlines. The Ministry of Tourism has a black mark with a delay of 39.72 days. This is followed by Interior with +33.52, University and Research with +32.89 and Health with +13.60. The most virtuous, however, was the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry which paid 17 days in advance.

(source: Adnkronos)

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