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The dead calm at Genoa is a guarantee of safety

The dead calm at Genoa is a guarantee of safety
The dead calm at Genoa is a guarantee of safety
Victor Sirianni

You could call it “dead calm”, or for the more restless “calm chaos”. We mean the current situation of the rossoblù company, in the period in which the market opened.
The fans, as we know, are always excited, Genoa after the beautiful championship is more and more in the hearts of its fans: who await not with anxiety, but only with curiosity what the rossoblù managers are building.
The feeling is that, from an economic point of view (which is currently the most delicate) the situation seems to be “dead calm”. CEO Blazquez has guaranteed that nothing will change, 777 Partners remain close to the company and the entire “great football world” that revolves around these funds is rotating in the most rational direction.
That said, everyone is expecting some news, even if the general feeling is that not much can change in a team that is already a “team”, already has its own identity, its own way of expressing itself. So it is the general opinion that a few tweaks or additions will be enough to complete a mosaic that already has its own setting.
It is the first time, after many years, that the rossoblù market will be divided into a few names, three or four at most, carefully studied, chosen with care, certain that from Gilardino to Ottolini the purchasing paths are very clear in their minds.
Genoa’s great advantage is that, finally, the market will not be chaotic, already having a well-formed “creature”, which will only have the task of improving.
We were talking about the few names that will characterize the Grifone market: they are all valuable. From the goalkeeper who will have to replace Martinez: we are talking about a Terracciano, a Kotarski, or a Pau Lopez. In short, guaranteed names, not unknown pilgrims like in the time of Preziosi.
Even for a full-back, mentioning Zanoli is not bad, as long as the moody De Laurentiis stops coaxing. On the left wing there is already Martine, in defense he has fully recovered Matturro. And then if Spence manages to escape his 10 million, who knows…
In short, one has the feeling that the Genoa staff continues to move with that serene responsibility that brought the team to eleventh place (it could have even been tenth, if it hadn’t lost so many useful points and if others hadn’t been stolen).
Of course, discussions are rife in the “sports bars” about the offensive department: who will be the starter? Who will leave? Who will pair up with whom?
In the meantime, Ekuban has been confirmed (in our opinion it’s a good move), while there are no more doubts about Vitinha. Instead, there is a lot of talk about Retegui, some would like him to stay, some would sell him at a high price, some would see him very well together with Vitinha. The impression is that the managers want to keep him. It’s enough to have seen him at the European Championships, that in the total disaster, he was the only one to have some happy ideas, even if the usual prejudiced “geopolitical” have forgotten it, celebrating (read Adami) that “dummy” Scamacca.
So whether it’s a dead calm or a calm chaos, the rossoblù moment is a guarantee of safety. It already seems that there are clear ideas. It will be a pleasure to return to the end of the last adventure and be able to talk again about “heart”, “leg” and “head”.
Victor Sirianni

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