Ànemos by Giuliano Caporali. The artist from Arezzo exhibits in Lucignano

Ànemos by Giuliano Caporali. The artist from Arezzo exhibits in Lucignano
Ànemos by Giuliano Caporali. The artist from Arezzo exhibits in Lucignano

Arezzo, 21 June 2024 – From 22 June to 4 August 2024 the “Don Enrico Marini” Hall (former Oratory of Corpus Domini) and the Municipal Museum of Lucignano, in Piazza del Tribunal in Lucignano, host “Ànemos”, a personal painting exhibition by Giuliano Caporali.

Saturday 22 June, at 5.30 pm, the official inauguration curated by Marco Botti, in the presence of the local authorities.

The exhibition, sponsored by the Municipality of Lucignano, can be visited during the museum’s opening hours.


Giuliano Caporali, one of the most appreciated and well-known Arezzo painters of his generation, presents his new project in the museum and exhibition center of Lucignano.

The title chosen is already a program, because the Greek term “ànemos” literally means wind, but also takes on the meaning of “vital breath”. Hence the concept of “soul”, the spiritual part of the living being, whose presence is not directly perceivable but demonstrable thanks to the effects it causes.

That same vital breath will be the underlying theme of the works present and the protagonist of the surprising installation that the artist has imagined for the occasion.

“My current work is aimed at expressing the calm of the mind, at manifesting silence – explains Giuliano Caporali. – I ask the self to reset, convinced that my works should speak. I try to listen to the painting, looking for a wavelength that allows the viewer to go beyond what can be seen, to be able to contemplate the pure presence of the elements that make up the painting. The works are universes of meaning that ask to be looked at intensely, dug into them, with the aim of rediscovering places of memory and offering oneself up for infinite meditation.”

“Ànemos” presents, in one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, what Giuliano Caporali’s art is today: a painting on the edge of the informal, gestural and immediate, in close relationship with the unconscious. The artist experiments and explores balances and harmonies between form, matter, sign and colour, through which to relive personal experiences that become collective, recover never forgotten values, experience instinctive emotions and reveal truths hidden in the most intimate corner of the soul .


Giuliano Caporali, born in Santa Mama di Subbiano (AR) in 1950, lives and works in Arezzo. Graduated from the Art Institute of his city, he dedicated himself to group exhibitions and painting competitions from a very young age. His pictorial training was born above all from the assiduous desire for experimentation which he concretized and sedimented in the complex relationships between matter and color. Employee since 1976 for the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and designer for the Superintendency of Arezzo, he was able to frequent and study closely some masters of the past, from Piero della Francesca to Beato Angelico, from Signorelli to Vasari, up to Cimabue, for which he took care of graphic works for the recovery of the works, collaborating on exhibition installations and architectural projects.

To these fundamental institutional experiences, Caporali opposed a dialogue with the poetics of the informal, drawing suggestions from the ancient environment of corroded walls, from the relationship between time and space, between painting and architecture, nature and artifice.

For years he has exhibited in Italy and abroad with solo and group exhibitions in prestigious private and public spaces. Newspapers and specialized magazines were interested in his work.

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