Prati di Tivo, the cableway reopens tomorrow – Teramo

Prati di Tivo, the cableway reopens tomorrow – Teramo
Prati di Tivo, the cableway reopens tomorrow – Teramo

PIETRACAMELA. Tomorrow at 8am the Madonnina cable car reopens in Prati di Tivo and is allowed to operate until 22 September. Therefore, the summer season begins in the tourist resort. News already announced last week by the manager and judicial custodian of the plants Marco Finori which was confirmed yesterday afternoon and which has given new impetus to the entire Gran Sasso area.
The facility is strategic for tourism because it allows you to reach the Madonnina by cabin, and then continue on foot towards the Franchetti refuge and the summit of Corno Grande. A reopening, as Finori explained, “that will be guaranteed every day from 8 to 18 until Sunday 22 September with a perfectly controlled facility in an accurate manner and with all the maintenance and obligations carried out”.
In order to operate the system, an inspection and testing by technicians from Coreneva, the regional technical committee on avalanches, were necessary. These took place in the first ten days of May and allowed the granting of the avalanche immunity certificate, thus giving the go-ahead for reopening until September 22.
Furthermore, all the technical and bureaucratic formalities have been carried out such as the granting of the land by the Asbuc of Pietracamela (the separate administration of goods for civic use) and with the unanimous approval, last week, of the Pietracamela municipal council of Municipal civil protection emergency plan which also acquired the specific emergency plan presented by Finori. «I expect a good turnout, even if real programming cannot be done at the Prati because there is too much bureaucracy which is binding», continued the manager, «we are trying to eliminate the formal critical issues, hoping that the process for reopening”.
A process in which he was followed by the lawyer John Falcons who has been alongside Finori since last year in the events that concern the facilities and who commented: «The reopening of the cableway marks an important moment for the entire territory, crowning the entrepreneurial seriousness of Finori who has invested in this project». A reopening loudly requested by the tourist operators after the facilities were closed for the whole winter and which brings back optimism. «We are happy that at least the summer season is safe», said the mayor of Pietracamela Antonio Villani, «there remains regret for the winter season which is unable to restart with the opening of the station. The chair lift cannot and must not stand still, but must also run in winter.” The winter reopening is an objective of Finori who concluded: «I want to reopen this winter, it is necessary to reopen, but there is a whole series of obligations to carry out».

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