Goodbye “Ciccio”: the city in shock

Goodbye “Ciccio”: the city in shock
Goodbye “Ciccio”: the city in shock

He raised generations of kids with racket shots and many will always remember him as “their” tennis teacher.

Francesco Gasperotto, 59 years old celebrated just a few days ago, on 15 June, he died this morning leaving in disbelief the many who, racket in hand, learned the secrets of this sport from him that he deeply loved. In the past months he had not been well but, after the hospitalization, he seemed to have recovered. And it was easy to meet him in the center while he greeted the people of Rovigo who knew him.

For many he was “Ciccio”: for those who knew him as a tennis instructor for the Csi, in the Don Bosco facilities, in via Marconi, and he was “Cesco” for those who followed him, in recent days, in the broadcasts in which he commented on the days of competitions at the Gaibledon, the Veneto Wta women’s tennis Open Tournament in Gaiba. The last one dates back to June 24, the day after the end of the event.

Today the tragedy of his disappearance, which occurred shortly before the 8th, has left people in the city and outside the city shocked and incredulous. Because Francesco Gasperotto had also been a tennis instructor in Galzignano, in the province of Padua, at the local tennis school. The mourning for his passing also affected Palazzo Nodari where his sister Paola, a professional journalist, holds the role of press office. In addition to his sister Paola, Francesco Gasperotto leaves behind his brother Alessandro and his mother Adelaide. Our editorial staff sends their condolences to all of them.

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