an investigation has been opened but the process continues

Contract Malies, we can move forward. But on the case the Power of attorney has started an investigation, and the issue must therefore always be considered open. Important developments have arrived in the matter relating to the awarding of the integrated contract for the executive design and execution of the functional and energy redevelopment works and seismic adaptation of the «ex Ursoline» and «Mercato edibili-Galleria Malies» buildings, a maxi work financed with 14.4 million of the Pnrr.

In the past few hours the general secretary Riccardo Feola delivered to the councilor delegated for Transparency and Legality Francesco De Pierro the report on the regularity of the procedure, thus fulfilling the public request formulated at the end of May by the deputy mayor himself. But at the same time he imposed the non-openness of the act, in consideration and as a sign of due respect towards the ongoing activity of the investigating judiciary.


Mouths very sewn to Mosti Palace where we carefully avoid providing confirmations (or denials) to the leaked rumors. The only information that filters, converging, concerns the focal point of the issue, i.e. the confirmation of the legitimacy of the continuation of the tender process started on 11 December 2023. The process stopped at the provisional award of 11 April 2024, also due to related procedural uncertainties to the attribution of scores by the tender commission, which have fueled the political debate for weeks.

Under discussion are the minutes of the triad chaired by the director of the Public Works sector Antonio Iadicicco and formed by commissioners Antonella Moretti (Urban planning manager) e Giovambattista Iorio (Public Works official), plus some confidential internal notes which ended up in the press, from which a revaluation of the scores would emerge during the course of the work such as to project the group led by the Roman Conpat to victory for an amount of 11.6 million, ahead at the Construction baron. The case, raised by the association Another good event, was taken up by opposition councilors who have been asking the administration for clarifications for weeks. Lastly, with a note dated 29 May, the representatives of all minority groups requested clarity from the delegate for Transparency De Pierrowho immediately announced the involvement of the general secretary as the highest administrative authority in matters of regularity of documents.

Procedural analysis concluded in the last few hours with the delivery of the report Feola. The number one of municipal technostructure would have ascertained the legitimacy of the procedures carried out by the body led by Iadicicco, and in particular the clarifications relating to the modification of the scores which led Conpat to overcome Construction baron. The mystery, as already specified by Iadicicco during the council commission, would be attributable exclusively to the fact that the commissioners would have become aware only in an advanced stage of the tender of the addition to the tender of one of the evaluation criteria, that relating to the point 1.1 «Improved functional connections within structures».

A mere clerical error, a typo by the person in charge of the procedure Lorenzo Nave made known to the commissioners only after the race was well underway, but published by the same rup on December 19ththerefore in plenty of time for the competing companies called to submit offers by 10 January 2024 to know it. Regarding the apparent non-correspondence of the final outcome with the literal text of the tender minutes, the anomaly could be explained by a further typo , already clarified with the publication, contained in minutes 7, where due to a material gap only the meeting of 29 March, in which the the technical evaluations with the attribution of scores to the 9 competitors would have ended on April 5th. Clarifications that will be detailed in the final awarding of the works, expected in the next few days.

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