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“We want money or we’ll cut you”: the baby robbers identified

“We want money or we’ll cut you”: the baby robbers identified
“We want money or we’ll cut you”: the baby robbers identified

The circle has closed around a serious episode of youth crime that occurred in Padua last April 27. An eighteen-year-old and a 15-year-old foreign minor are accused of robbery against two other very young people. For the older one, the police commissioner Marco Odorisio has ordered the preventive measure of a ban on returning to the municipality of Padua for 4 years.

The measures

On the evening of April 27, two young people from Padua were robbed in the central Piazza Duomo. The Flying Squad managed to identify them and report them to the judicial authorities. They are an 18-year-old from Maserà di Padova, already known to the police, and a 15-year-old unaccompanied foreign minor entrusted to a community for minors in Padua. The Padua Public Prosecutor’s Office served the notice of conclusion of investigations on the first in recent days. The Venice Public Prosecutor’s Office for Minors is proceeding separately against the minor.

What happened

Around midnight on Saturday evening in late April, the suspects approached two young men from Padua, aged 17 and 18, who had arrived in the city centre on a moped, and threatened them, ordering them to take out their wallets and hand over all the money. “Move or I’m a…., we’ll hurt you so much, take it all out, we want all the money, we’ll cut you off.” Mimicking signs such as “I’ll cut your throat” and putting their hands in their pockets as if they were actually going to take knives, they tore off the helmet of
hand to one and hit the other on the visor. Having succeeded in their intent, after receiving 50 euros from the victims, before escaping they took possession of their moped by taking a high-speed ride between Piazza Duomo and Piazza dei Signori. One of the two boys who were victims of the robbery also suffered bruises and had to seek emergency care. Once the complaint was received, the police officers of the Flying Squad cross-referenced the images recorded by the video surveillance system
of the municipality of Padua with the Instagram profiles of some very young people already known to the same Investigative Office because they were involved in other episodes of youth violence, in particular for crimes against property and the person. This made it possible to show photos to the two victims and obtain the identification of the two perpetrators. The 18-year-old was well known to the police. Already on trial before the juvenile court of Venice for having three years ago, with a Moldovan peer, attacked and threatened to kill another young person. In February 2024, checked at the Santa Rita park in Padua, he was caught by the same officers of the Flying Squad in possession of a switchblade. On that occasion, the police commissioner of Padua considered him a socially dangerous person, issuing an oral warning against him. Following yet another serious episode recorded in April, the police commissioner also ordered him to be banned from returning to the municipality of Padua for 4 years.

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