AI Revolution in Municipalities, Abruzzo Leads the Way

AI Revolution in Municipalities, Abruzzo Leads the Way
AI Revolution in Municipalities, Abruzzo Leads the Way

Digitalize procedures and experiment with Artificial Intelligence to support Municipalities in the investigation phase of administrative acts: these are the themes at the heart of the Agreement signed in Pescara between the Abruzzo Region, the Department of Public Function (Dfp) and Formez PA during the event “OpenHub: Abruzzo generator of skills”. This is the result of a year of work done by the Region with the collaboration of Anci, Upi and Uncem on “Hub delle Competenze”, a pilot project called to strengthen Municipalities and administrations in the spending of cohesion funds. The agreement is the starting point for generating administrative procedures for the advancement of spending in a standardized and digital manner.

Zangrillo: “Assist to local PA skills”

“This project was born from the need to improve and optimize skills in local public institutions, in continuity with the renewal process of the PA – said the Minister for Public Administration, Paolo Zangrillo – The agreement strengthens capacity building actions, exploiting the potential of digitalization and artificial intelligence. A strategy based on interinstitutional collaboration. Only in this way can we achieve development and enhancement of the administrative capacity of our administrations”.

Resources on the table

Overall, the interventions cleared under the PSC 2000-2020 amount to 119 million 438 thousand euros after the work conducted by the staff of the Abruzzo Region and the technical assistance of Formez, resources that return to the availability of Municipalities and communities of Abruzzo. Over 81% of the projects that presented critical issues have been unblocked. 3,435 projects are being examined whose snags have been analyzed and processed by the task force set up by the Region alongside the administrators and the RUPs. The comparison has developed in 17 Focus groups with 107 mayors and 276 administrative or technical staff.

Marsilio: “Abruzzo at the helm of a methodological innovation”

“The Abruzzo Region – declared the president of the Region, Marco Marsilio – leads an innovation of method that constitutes a training ground for the implementation of the interventions of the 2021-2027 cycle programming. It is no coincidence that we are one of the ‘Regional Innovation Valleys’ identified by the European Commission. Our Region has been recognized as having the potential to lead innovation processes, entering a small circle of highly innovative areas in Europe. We were aware of this when, with 2 million euros of FSC funds, we decided a year ago to start with the Hub of skills”.

“The agreement signed – he said the president of Formez, Giovanni Anastasi – confirms that the relationship between Formez and the Abruzzo Region is solid and important. After ‘Hub delle Competenze’ the step forward is Artificial Intelligence. We have moved quickly, especially in training, but we also have other plans so that this tool is an opportunity for Public Administrations and the community”.

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