Milan transfer market – Saelemaekers another suitor. The Devil asks…

Milan transfer market – Saelemaekers another suitor. The Devil asks…
Milan transfer market – Saelemaekers another suitor. The Devil asks…

Milan transfer market, Saelemaekers destined to leave. As reported by there would be a new team interested

The Milan, in addition to thinking about possible additions, he will also have to place several players in this transfer market session. Among these there is also Alexis Saelemaekers. The Belgian winger returns to Milan, but is expected to leave soon. Here’s the latest with another possible suitor.

Milan – Saelemaekers transfer market in high demand. Another team appears

As reported by calciomercato.comthey would have been interested in the Belgian Turin and Juventusbut not only. In recent days there has also been an interest from Atalanta. Saelemaekers would be considered a transfer market alternative to Zaniolo, another player sought by the Dea. The Belgian would be less technical with fewer shots, but a more functional player. At the moment there would be no direct contact from Milan. But how much is the Devil asking to sell Saelemaekers in this transfer market? Approximately, we read, 10-12 million euros. READ ALSO: Milan transfer market – Who is Demirovic? Can he be the right striker?


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