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‘Ndrangheta and waste: confiscation of 11.5 million euros from an entrepreneur from Gioia linked to the Piromalli

‘Ndrangheta and waste: confiscation of 11.5 million euros from an entrepreneur from Gioia linked to the Piromalli
‘Ndrangheta and waste: confiscation of 11.5 million euros from an entrepreneur from Gioia linked to the Piromalli

REGGIO CALABRIA Assets worth 11 and a half million euros were confiscated by the Financial Police to the entrepreneur Rocco Delfino, accused in the “Malapigna” trial born from an investigation by the DDA of Reggio Calabria against the ‘ndrangheta gang of the Piromalli of Gioia Tauro. This was decided by the Prevention Measures section of the Court of Reggio Calabria which, in addition to confiscation, against Delfino he ordered the personal prevention measure of special public security surveillance for 4 years, with the obligation to stay in the municipality of residence or habitual residence.

The investigations

According to the reconstruction of the Reggio Calabria DDA, led by the prosecutor Giovanni Bombardieri, the Gioese entrepreneur, operating in the waste collection and management sector, is the financier and the entrepreneurial economic arm of the Piromalli. A role that began in the 1990s when, according to the investigators, Delfino was a mere participant in the gang and then became “chief and organizer of the gang with tasks of decision-making, planning and identification of the criminal actions to be carried out and the objectives to be pursued”. We read this in the charge against Rocco Delfino in the “Malapigna” trial underway before the Court of Palmi after the entrepreneur was sent to trial in 2022. According to prosecutors, essentially, Delfino made his businesses available to allow the ‘Ndrangheta to launder illicit proceeds. Considered a mafia entrepreneur operating in the sector of ferrous and metallic waste disposal, in fact, according to the prosecution case, Delfino was able, precisely by virtue of his high criminal caliber, to maintain illicit relationships with members of other mafia cliques. Confirming what emerged in the “Malapigna” investigation conducted by the Nipaaf carabinieri, the asset investigations carried out by the Financial Police’s Gico demonstrated how Delfino’s assets would have been decidedly disproportionate compared to the earning capacity demonstrated by the same.

The seizures

From here the confiscation sentence which concerned three companies and a sole proprietorship operating in the metal waste disposal and construction sectors, but also 37 cars and vehicles and the ownership shares of 3 lands and 4 buildings in the province of Reggio Calabria. Finally, 27 luxury watches, various types of jewelery and precious objects, as well as 75 thousand euros in cash, as well as all banking, financial and insurance relationships were confiscated. attributable to the entrepreneur from Gioia Tauro who was in relations not only with the Piromalli but also with the boss Luigi Mancuso of Limbadi. Precisely for this reason, Delfino was also involved in the “Rinascita-Scott” investigation, coordinated by the DDA of Catanzaro, where he was sentenced in first instance to 5 years of imprisonment.

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