THE FOCUS. THE ARRESTS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CASERTA. Ciro and Raffaele Nunziante, the heroes of the two cassocks: they are in the heart and works of Bishop Pietro Lagnese and Don Antonello Giannotti

THE FOCUS. THE ARRESTS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CASERTA. Ciro and Raffaele Nunziante, the heroes of the two cassocks: they are in the heart and works of Bishop Pietro Lagnese and Don Antonello Giannotti
THE FOCUS. THE ARRESTS IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF CASERTA. Ciro and Raffaele Nunziante, the heroes of the two cassocks: they are in the heart and works of Bishop Pietro Lagnese and Don Antonello Giannotti

The two authoritative clerics will certainly not have been happy to learn of the arrest of the 31-year-old builder, who is already working in and around the Macrico with two assignments, both coordinated by the omnipotent architect Dante Specchia who has also received advances from the Curia for Rup on 2 million euro works paid by the Pnrr, at the Duomo and San Rufo. IN A NEXT ARTICLE WE WILL REVEAL SOME SENSOUS DETAILS OF THE MACRICO OPERATION

CASERTA (Gianluigi Guarino). Raffaele Nunziante“who was he?”; Ciro Nunziante “Who was he?”. Meanwhile, unlike how Don Abbondio was, they are well, alive and well, even with some significant problems to deal with. But this can always be remedied, while if you are a erat or a fuitthere is little to recover.

Raffaele Nunziante is 31 years old and a son of art: his father, Ciro Nunziante, is the driving force of the family companies, all involved in the construction sector. In recent days, the family has been reunited by the investigating judge of the court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Daniela Vecchiarelli who, accepting, albeit partially, the request formulated by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, decided to arrest Raffaele Nunziante, forcing him under house arrest where, in all probability, he often also crosses paths with his father Ciro, if he is still living with him, who was and is the commander in charge of the family’s business operations.

The story is well known: the Nunziantes, already in the sympathy and thoughts of the Caserta technical office, had to face the problem of “getting on well” with the Marzo family, when they understood that the triumphal march of Massimiliano Marzo would have ended with the delivery by the mayor Carlo Marinoof the much desired delegation to Public Works, after the elections in which, as the magistrates write in the ordinance, they had their main electoral structure in the renowned Capone family of Rione Santa Rosalia, without this, at the time, having stimulated any interest on the part of the anti-mafia magistrates, despite the sensational video which will immortalize forever, thanks to the CasertaCE archive, the legendary gimme five between Raffaele Caponewho 4 or 5 days earlier, just to pass the time a bit, had tried to stab him to death Gennaro Rondinonewhich the magistrates of Santa Maria Capua Vetere always consider the pinnacle of the electoral committee of the equally investigated councilor and deputy mayor Emiliano Casale, without … the Anti-Mafia magistrates … (as above). A few contacts and a little cash paid for the materials of the Edilmarzo, some credit, all in all, minimal, given the figures. So much so that the Green Aedilis srl, one of the Nunziante companies has sold, so to speak, the rights to a subcontractor to arrange some greenery around the city’s schools, in buildings owned or, in any case, in the management of the capital municipality. But the Nunziantes, who have become famous in recent days for the proverbial “four lice”, are famous, indeed, very famous they have been, and have been for a long time, where the money flows and where the money creates particular sensitivities.

Bishop Lagnese, Don Antonello and the Curia of builders, not just of souls

It is no mystery, in this regard, that the bishop of Caserta Pietro Lagnese, between a Paternoster and a Salve Regina, you cultivate your own special predilection. If he had not been a priest, he would certainly have been an excellent builder of large public works. He surprised everyone when he said clearly to the Municipality of Caserta that an era had ended and that the Curia, through the Institute for the Support of the Clergy, would stop chanting. By the way, the verb is right and appropriate for the person we are talking about, as the good don had done for decades Antonio Aragosa, who had always said that, if the institute had collected a sufficient amount, not exceptional, but still fair, the Macrico would have been sold to the Municipality of Caserta. Anyone who has worked as a journalist in this area knows that the controversies over Macrico, endless and even a little boring, are always developed taking it for granted that this enormous area, which could make Caserta a unique city of its kind, was finished, a at one time or another, in the municipality’s assets. There was an argument, there was, as mentioned, controversy: there were those who wanted an integral public park, like Macrico Verde, there were those who believed that a little, or quite a lot, of volume should be added to that exposed from the ancient military settlements.

Bishop Lagnese has appointed Don Antonello Giannotti, another who, if he hadn’t been a priest, could easily have been an entrepreneur, but while we’re at it, he would also have been an excellent mayor of Caserta or a parliamentarian. Then, after having moderated his moves a little – along the lines of: “Brother, I understand business as well as and more than you” – he proceeded with him in great harmony and also with great joy, in this specific case, not exactly Franciscan.

The Curia of Caserta, through the IDSC, owns, carries out and will continue to carry out this role, in close partnership with the Municipality of Caserta, i.e. with Carlo Marino, Franco Biondi and good or bad company, a matter of point of view, especially in light of the things that have happened recently.

The prior Nunziante, already established around and inside the Macrico

If you think about it, the surname Nunziante also takes us back to one of the central themes of the New Testament. Don’t think about that irreverent good soul Massimo Troisi and his particular type of annunciation presented in the historic, famous skit. Here, “the announcer” has a double use, given that he is also able to announce the realization of the plan, not very divine and very prosaic, of the couple made up of Giannotti and Lagnese, the latter, given how he is made, all things considered , has the numbers to aim for a cardinal’s tiara. For the moment the design and drawings are those that come out of the diocesan technical office, coordinated by Don Fernando Latino. Then, a pinch of the sacred cannot be totally excluded from the scene, given that, as far as we know, Raffaele Nunziante holds the function of prior in the parish of Puccianiello, for many years led by Don Antonello Giannotti who, from there, hoped to take flight, clipped by the confidential and spiteful letters of his fellow parish priests, questioned by the Vatican when the name of Don Antonello entered the favor of those who would have wanted him at the head of the ancient and prestigious diocese of Alife and Caiazzo.

In the beginning it was there Gesim, in fact it is still Gesim, the most important company of the Nunziante family. The one that has worked a lot with the Municipality of Caserta, but which is above all working with the Diocese of Caserta, for which it is configured as a real fiduciary.

In fact, many of the works commissioned by Bishop Lagnese through Don Antonello Giannotti and through the technical office of Don Fernando Latino, concerning the appurtenances governed by the Institute for the Support of the Clergy, are in the hands of the Nunziante family. Among these, there are also some made inside the Macrico. For example, last May 10th, it was Gesim itself that was tasked by the IDSC with urgent works to make a portion of the perimeter wall safe. of the former Macrico, falling down in via Politano.

The architect-showman.

But it is not just a question of walls: at the bottom of this article, we publish, in fact, a full copy of the sworn communication of the start of works drawn up by the Municipality in reference to another documentation sent by Don Antonello Giannotti in the name and on behalf of the IDSC . And here the name Green Aedilis seriously jumps out which, if you think about it, the use of the Latin adjective should have evoked something ecclesiastical already on the day we wrote about it, in relation to the order of the San Marino court. It is this company, in fact, owned by another son of Ciro Nunziante, therefore a brother of Raffaele, who carries out the construction site directed by a highly trusted architect of the Curia, i.e. Dante Specchiaand from Luigi Iaselli in a supporting capacity. The Green Aedilis company is based in Formia on Via Pescinola.

The Pnrr mega contracts for the churches of San Rufo and the cathedral.

There are few people, and they are only professionals, who are aware of how much money goes around in the economic bodies of the Curia: two examples that concern the aforementioned architect Dante Specchia, who if he doesn’t work in a monopoly, it’s close. The IDSC was recently called upon to manage two large loans obtained from the European Union, through the government, and included in the Pnrr. They concern earthquake safety works for the churches of Sa Rufo in Piemonte di Casplòa and the cathedral of San Michele, better known by the name of the Cathedral of Caserta. In the first case, we have come across and are publishing it at the bottom of the article, a resolution for the liquidation of Ruo Dante Specchia, for San Rufus. A figure commensurate with the size of a loan which amounts to 910 million euros. In the second case, the “usual” architect Specchia, who also worked closely with Nuziante’s Green aedilis inside the Macrico and with gesim around the perimeter walls of this area, calculated his fee from rup on a finance of 1,165 million euros. In short, it is worth keeping this particular “prayer group” apart. Tomorrow orosoiti do Macrico we must tell you about a meeting at the Municipality and about a confidential correspondence, with sensational contents, between Don Antonello9 Giannotti, Carlo Marino and Fraco Biondi.

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