La Spezia, off to the final exam. Physicists, philosophers and budding doctors: Italian ok, Greek bête noire

La Spezia, off to the final exam. Physicists, philosophers and budding doctors: Italian ok, Greek bête noire
La Spezia, off to the final exam. Physicists, philosophers and budding doctors: Italian ok, Greek bête noire

La Spezia, 19 June 2024 – Last night they arranged to meet in front of their parents high schools to carry on a tradition consolidated over time that they have no intention of breaking. The boys of Costa high school and those of Pacinotti who this morning will face the first test of thestate exam they chanted, wearing different colored T-shirts for each section, ‘Night before the exams’ by Antonello Venditti, symbol of wish and good omen. “I’m pretty calm about the first test – she told us Beatrice Balducci of the 5A of the Costa high school –. What worries me a little is the Greek writing, given that there are several unknowns at stake, including the author who will be selected. I found out just yesterday that I will have to take the oral exam on June 25th, I will be first on the first day. Overall, however, I am not particularly worried and I want to embark on a new school path. I am directed to enroll in the Faculty of Physics in Pisa”.

Her classmate is slightly more anxious about the state exam, Eleonora Scarfò. “I have several worries given that they have been a very tough five years – he admits – two of which were characterized by the pandemic. The second test, the Greek one, scares me and I fear I won’t be able to perform as well as I would like in the oral exam. In the summer I want to relax and prepare to a new adventure. I decided to enroll in Creative Industries, a faculty that encompasses my various humanistic interests, in Parma”.

Those who seemed rather calm for the written tests are instead Denis Gega, graduating from the 5E of the Pacinotti scientific high school, already decided to enroll in the Faculty of Physics in Pisa. “I feel quite confident about Italian and mathematics – he told us –. I have a slight anxiety about the oral exam given that I discovered that I am first on the first day of our commission and we will have external professors in subjects such as history and philosophy. I don’t I’m looking forward to moving to Pisa, but even more so to making the trip this summer together with my classmates. It was easy, but we managed to involve almost everyone Mallorca”.

Also Gianluca Buiano, of the 5C of the Pacinotti high school, seemed calm during the written tests and has clear ideas about his future. “I will take the oral exam from 2nd to 6th July so I still have to metabolize it – he explained to us –. As far as my school career is concerned, I have already taken the test to enter Medicine and entered my preferences. I would really like to attend it in Pisa because Many friends who are close to me will go there and also because it is close to Spezia, a city where I feel great.”

“I alternate moments of flat calm with complete panic, but I think it’s normal – he tells us Viola Richichi, from the 5A of Costa high school -. What scares me is Greek because it can be considered a novelty. I have no plans for the summer, but the intention is to work a bit to move to Pisa, where I will attend the Faculty of Philosophy. And maybe I’ll have a nice holiday.”

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