Roberto Vecchioni in Reggio Calabria: presents his book

Roberto Vecchioni in Reggio Calabria: presents his book
Roberto Vecchioni in Reggio Calabria: presents his book

Tuesday 25 June, at 6.00 pm, in Piazza Paolo Orsi del National Archaeological Museum of Reggio Calabria the first presentation will be held in Calabria of new book by Roberto Vecchioni “Between Silence and Thunder”, published by Einaudi. The strength of these pages are the two voices of the child and the grandfather who alternate: the story of a life outside of time and space, in an unexpected and never banal way. In the book, the singer-songwriter retraces some of the most significant moments of his life by analyzing topics such as love, friendship, music and words.

“Between the silence and the thunder – said Vecchioni – is actually a false epistolary novel because the recipient of the letters never responds, but at the same time it is dual because the grandfather speaks to the world with the awareness of someone who already has the answers. It is my body that writes to my soul and inside it I tell myself about myself from when I was 6 to now that I am 81 with a terrifying realism that is not like me.” The initiative combines the need to make museums lively “places” and spaces for discussion with the passion of Prof. Vecchioni, a contemporary singer, for the dissemination of the value of the Ancient in all its forms.

Sudano’s words

“A great honor, a privilege to have Roberto Vecchioni with us – says the director of the MArRC Fabrizio Sudano – singer-songwriter, writer, professor, teacher. I thank Stefania Mancuso for this great opportunity that she wanted to share with the museum. A museum that inaugurates the summer season with this extraordinary event, with multi-sectoral proposals designed and created in close synergy with the territory”.

The event program

The event opens with the institutional greetings of the director of the MArRC, Fabrizio Sudano, and continues with the dialogue between the writer Roberto Vecchioni and Stefania Mancuso, adjunct professor of classical archeology and teaching of the UniCal park and museum and who shares with the singer-songwriter the teaching of “The contemporaneity of the Ancient” at IULM.

The event is free and places are limited, therefore booking is mandatory – even for journalists – and must be received by 12:00 on Friday 21 June 2024 by email to [email protected]. it. Requests will be accepted until available places are filled. The reservation is nominative, maximum for two people, and cannot be authorized for groups of people.

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