Riccardi, Pn disability projects to be expanded in Fvg

The Councilor at the presentation of the Insurance Agreement and the…

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The councilor at the presentation of the Insurance Agreement and the Guide for the rights of disabled people Pordenone, July 2 – “The experiences that have been realized in the territory of Western Friuli by the associations regarding innovative forms of insurance for disabled people and their families and regarding the Information Guide on the rights of disabled people must be able to be extended to the rest of the territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia. The Region will be committed and supported in this, and it thanks all those who with great commitment have allowed this result that highlights how the world of family associations and the third sector is fundamental to achieving these results”. This was stated this morning by the regional councilor for Health, social policies and disability Riccardo Riccardi, participating in Pordenone in the presentation of two important initiatives related to the world of disabilities. “An insurance for disabled people and their families” concerns a project – “pilot” and unique so far in Italy – of the Consulta della Associazioni delle persone con disabili e delle loro famiglie of Pordenone that has allowed to reach an agreement, with the insurance system, that provides policies for disabled people. The second initiative, instead, concerned the presentation of the guide “Ti regalo i tuoi diritti”, a sort of information manual for disabled people and their families (focused in particular on the procedures to obtain civil invalidity and on the regulations that protect their rights) created by the National Association of Mutilated and Civil Invalids of Pordenone. “These experiences – Riccardi highlighted – must be placed in the current situation and are born with the intervention of the third sector within that social model, which we look at with great interest, based on the subsidiarity of the associative system. A system regulated and guided by the public that makes use of these extraordinary forces. Starting from a principle – the councilor underlined – which is the most important lesson that comes to us from today: in 2024 it is no longer acceptable to feel that the person with disabilities cannot be insured”. “The fundamental value of the two projects that we have learned about today – added the representative of the Regional Council – lies precisely in their ability, through the involvement of the subsidiary system and the private sector, represented in this case by insurance companies that are certainly not charities, to find solutions that allow for innovative responses, both with respect to rights and to new social-healthcare needs, to the world of disability, unimaginable until recently”. “And it is with the same type of approach and comparison – Riccardi recalled – with the system of the Consultations of family associations and the third sector that the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region in recent years, through the recent regulations approved, aims to be at the forefront at a national level in addressing disability as a chronic condition that accompanies a lifetime and presents social needs that require increasingly adequate responses within a model of social-healthcare integration”. ARC/LIS/ma


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