«Unacceptable: Mayor Persiani suspends discussions with unions. Ready for state of agitation»

«Unacceptable: Mayor Persiani suspends discussions with unions. Ready for state of agitation»
«Unacceptable: Mayor Persiani suspends discussions with unions. Ready for state of agitation»

MASSA – “For the first time in the history of the Municipality of Massa, the mayor Francesco Persiani has suspended the meetings of the delegation dealing with the unions. It’s unacceptable but it happened. Disrespectful behavior towards the trade union organizations and all the employees of the institution.” The attack signed by the secretaries of FP Cgil, Laura Bacci, Csa FP, Anna Maria Mosti, and Uil Fpl, Claudio Salvadori, addressed to the mayor of Massa who in the late evening of Thursday 13 June decided to suspend all delegation tables negotiating the contract for local public workers. “We have been working since January to try to sign a new decentralized contract given that Massa lacks one in line with the guidelines of the National Collective Labor Agreement – ​​urge the secretaries -, the only useful tool to incentivize and support the work of employees. A discussion which, despite being on separate tables with the CISL FP, was continuing despite the tension already being high. Just think that only the general secretary, Roberto Nobile, showed up at the table, without the head of cabinet, Daniele Pepe, and the manager Maurizio Tonarelli, who are in any case part of the negotiating delegation. This is due to friction between the mayor and the general secretary which has been going on for months and has never been resolved. Then on Thursday the one-way turning point, decisively decided by the mayor Francesco Persiani, never seen in the entire history of the Municipality of Massa: he let us know, through the general secretary Nobile, that he had communicated to him to suspend the discussion tables negotiating delegation awaiting the arrival of a new secretary. Couldn’t he have summoned us and told us himself? We consider the behavior and style to be disrespectful towards the Unions and therefore towards all the organisation’s employees”. A decision which, for the unions, is not supported by any valid motivation at the time when the table was “working seriously to develop the new decentralized contract of the organisation. What reason do you give other than the ‘waiting for the new general secretary’? The current secretary and the undersigned trade union organizations have demonstrated responsibility and willingness to work on the new contract and would have done so until the last day of service of the current secretary. Evidently the mayor doesn’t care about the employees’ regulatory contract! All the employees are working without the application of the new contract and therefore also the economic part, with all the attached contractual institutions, if the legal part is not defined, will be negotiated with considerable delay and the mayor must assume all responsibility”. A one-way choice which, however, would not be the only one: “Can you explain to us why, in the midst of the negotiation on the regulatory part, the administration dropped the Regulation for vertical progressions in derogation over everyone’s heads? The undersigned trade union organizations have opened the discussion regarding the aforementioned Regulation, decontextualised for our organisation. This act is therefore also part of the suspension of work, so what was the administration’s hurry to produce it? The measure is full – they conclude -. We ask for respect for trade union relations and the immediate reopening of the bargaining tables to implement the new employment contract and staff development paths. We want an urgent meeting by June 17th otherwise we will activate a state of agitation and the intervention of the Prefect for the consequent conciliation and conflict cooling procedures”.

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